Luigi Auriemma
Application: Cogent DataHub
Versions: <=
Platforms: Windows
Bug: stack unicode overflow
Exploitation: remote
Date: 13 Sep 2011
Author: Luigi Auriemma
e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org
web: aluigi.org
1) Introduction
2) Bug
3) The Code
4) Fix
1) Introduction
DataHub is a software for the SCADA and automation sector.
2) Bug
The server/service listens on the ports 4052 and 4053, the only
difference is that the second port uses SSL while the first one is in
Stack-based unicode buffer-overflow in the "DH_OneSecondTick" function
exploitable through the "domain", "report_domain", "register_datahub",
"slave" and some other commands:
00440442 |. 50 |PUSH EAX ; string
00440443 |. 68 64854900 |PUSH CogentDa.00498564 ; "Domain"
00440448 |. 8D8D 00FFFFFF |LEA ECX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-100]
0044044E |. 68 A42F4900 |PUSH CogentDa.00492FA4 ; "%s.%s"
00440453 |. 51 |PUSH ECX ; stack buffer
00440454 |. FF15 B4F44800 |CALL DWORD PTR DS:[<&MSVCR90._swprintf>]
3) The Code
nc SERVER 4052 < cogent_1.dat
port 4053 uses the same protocol via SSL.
4) Fix
No fix.