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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2013-07-30   Novell Client 2 SP3 Privilege Escalation Exploit 73 DOS sickness
2013-07-30   TigerVNC Server Remote DoS Vulnerability 79 DOS Z3r0n3
2013-07-29   Galil-RIO Modbus - Denial of Service 177 DOS Sapling
2013-07-24   Jetaudio 8.0.17 Crash Proof Of Concept 59 DOS Asesino04
2013-07-24   DirectShow Arbitrary Memory Overwrite Vulnerability (MS13-056) 59 DOS Andrés Gómez Ramírez
2013-07-24   XnView 2.03 (.PCT) - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability 77 DOS Core Security
2013-07-24   Artweaver 3.1.5 (.AWD) - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability 83 DOS Core Security
2013-07-24   Samsung PS50C7700 TV - Denial of Service 72 DOS Malik Mesellem
2013-07-23   VbsEdit 5.9.3 (.smi) - Buffer Overflow Vulnerability 132 DOS d3b4g
2013-07-19   Windows Movie Maker Version 2.1.4026.0 (.wav) - Crash POC 172 DOS ariarat
2013-07-18   Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 - Crash PoC 72 DOS Asesino04
2013-07-17   Eglibc PTR MANGLE Bug 158 DOS Ismael Ripoll
2013-07-17   Kate's Video Toolkit Version 7.0 (.wav) - Crash POC 71 DOS ariarat
2013-07-17   Light Audio Mixer Version 1.0.12 (.wav) - Crash POC 65 DOS ariarat
2013-07-17   rpcbind (CALLIT Procedure) UDP Crash PoC 181 DOS Sean Verity
2013-07-16   Squid-3.3.5 DoS PoC 157 DOS Kingcope
2013-07-15   Tri-PLC Nano-10 r81 - Denial of Service 68 DOS Sapling
2013-07-11   Jolix Media Player 1.1.0 (.m3u) - Denial of Service 86 DOS IndonesiaGokilTeam
2013-07-11   Apache CXF prior to 2.5.10, 2.6.7 and 2.7.4 - Denial of Service 36 DOS SEC Consult
2013-07-09   Google Chrome 25.0.1364.152 HTTP Referer Header Faking 62 DOS Liad Mizrachi
2013-07-04   Opera 12.15 Denial Of Service 57 DOS expku
2013-07-04   Nokia 1280 Denial Of Service 129 DOS Un0wn_X
2013-07-04   Realtek Sound Manager AvRack (.wav) - Crash PoC 138 DOS Asesino04
2013-07-03   Real Player Resource Exhaustion 78 DOS Akshaysinh Vaghela
2013-07-03   FileCOPA 7.01 Denial Of Service 185 DOS Chako