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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2013-04-02   mRemote 1.50 Update Spoofing Vulnerability 145 LOCAL waraxe
2013-04-01   Draytek Vigor 3900 1.06 - Privilege Escalation 63 LOCAL Mohammad abou hayt
2013-03-29   BlazeDVD Free Edition Buffer Overflow 77 LOCAL metacom
2013-03-26   LiquidXML Studio 2010 ActiveX Remote 0-day 99 LOCAL Dr_IDE
2013-03-26   LiquidXML Studio 2012 ActiveX Insecure Method Executable File Creation 0-day 74 LOCAL Dr_IDE
2013-03-25   Mageia Release 2 sock_diag_handlers Local Root 120 LOCAL y3dips
2013-03-25   Photodex ProShow Producer v5.0.3310 ScsiAccess - Local Privilege Escalation 105 LOCAL Julien Ahrens
2013-03-15   Google Chrome 21.0.1180.57 NULL Pointer 89 LOCAL Heyder Andrade
2013-03-15   Fedora Linux SOCK_DIAG Local Root 164 LOCAL Thiebaud Weksteen
2013-03-12   Fedora Ubuntu kernel 3.3-3.8 Local Root poc(CVE-2013-1763 ) 81 LOCAL SynQ
2013-03-12   Ubuntu 12.10 64bit Local Root 77 LOCAL Kacper Szczesniak
2013-03-11   VLC Player 2.0.x (.mp3) <= Memory Exhaust PoC 71 LOCAL KedAns-Dz
2013-03-08   ALLMediaServer 0.94 SEH Overflow 161 LOCAL metacom
2013-03-07   Raspberry Pi rpi-update Local Root 47 LOCAL Larry W. Cashdollar
2013-03-06   Viscosity setuid-set ViscosityHelper Privilege Escalation 77 LOCAL juan vazquez
2013-03-06   Setuid Tunnelblick Privilege Escalation 73 LOCAL juan vazquez
2013-03-04   Oracle Auto Service Request File Clobber 32 LOCAL Larry W. Cashdollar
2013-02-27   Archlinux/x86-64 3.3.x-3.7.x x86-64 sock_diag_handlers[] Local Root 80 LOCAL sd
2013-02-26   Microsoft Windows XP Professionnel Service Pack 2 & 3 Insecure Library Load 181 LOCAL The Black Devils
2013-02-25   TeamViwer V8.0.16642 Insecure Library Load 64 LOCAL The Black Devils
2013-02-19   Windows Manage User Level Persistent Payload Installer 176 LOCAL Brandon McCann
2013-02-18   Photodex ProShow Producer v5.0.3297 (.pxs) Memory Corruption Exploit 174 LOCAL Julien Ahrens
2013-02-18   Photodex ProShow Producer 5.0.3297 Buffer Overflow 75 LOCAL Julien Ahrens
2013-02-18   Apple iPhone iOS Default SSH Password Exploit (.py) 76 LOCAL D35m0nd142
2013-02-18   VLC Player 2.0.4 <= Arbitrary Code Execution 146 LOCAL The Black Devils