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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2017-04-05   dnaLIMS Admin Module Command Execution Exploit 81 REMOTE h00die
2017-04-05   dnaLIMS Directory Traversal Exploit 95 REMOTE h00die
2017-03-30   Sync Breeze Enterprise 9.5.16 - 'GET' Buffer Overflow (SEH) 84 REMOTE Daniel Teixeira
2017-03-29   DzSoft PHP Editor 4.2.7 - File Enumeration 145 REMOTE hyp3rlinx
2017-03-28   Github Enterprise - Default Session Secret And Deserialization (Metasploit) 70 REMOTE sinn3r
2017-03-28   Samba 4.5.2 - Symlink Race Permits Opening Files Outside Share Directory 221 REMOTE Google Security Research
2017-03-28   Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 WebDAV - 'ScStoragePathFromUrl' Buffer Overflow 135 REMOTE Zhiniang Peng and Chen Wu
2017-03-27   Nuxeo Platform 6.x / 7.x Shell Upload 64 REMOTE Ronan Kervella
2017-03-24   NETGEAR WNR2000v5 (Un)authenticated hidden_lang_avi Stack Overflow 106 REMOTE Pedro Ribeiro
2017-03-24   Logsign Remote Command Injection 202 REMOTE Mehmet Ince
2017-03-24   D-Link DSL-2640B Remote DNS Changer 95 REMOTE cryptolulz666
2017-03-23   OpenSSH On Cygwin SFTP Client Directory Traversal 131 REMOTE jannh
2017-03-23   SysGauge 1.5.18 - SMTP Validation Buffer Overflow (Metasploit) 88 REMOTE Chris Higgins
2017-03-23   Disk Sorter Enterprise 9.5.12 - 'GET' Buffer Overflow (SEH) 87 REMOTE Daniel Teixeira
2017-03-21   dnaLIMS Admin Module Command Execution 103 REMOTE h00die
2017-03-16   FTPShell Client 6.53 Buffer Overflow 118 REMOTE N_A
2017-03-15   IBM WebSphere Remote Code Execution Java Deserialization 169 REMOTE Liatsis Fotios
2017-03-15   Apache Struts Jakarta Multipart Parser OGNL Injection 161 REMOTE Nixawk
2017-03-13   Netgear R7000 / R6400 cgi-bin Command Injection 132 REMOTE Acew0rm
2017-03-13   Apache Struts 2 2.3.x / 2.5.x Remote Code Execution 307 REMOTE anarc0der
2017-03-13   MobaXterm Personal Edition 9.4 - Directory Traversal 172 REMOTE hyp3rlinx
2017-03-10   Wireless IP Camera (P2P) WIFICAM GoAhead Backdoor / Remote Command Execution 442 REMOTE Pierre Kim
2017-03-10   Apache Struts 2.3.5 < 2.3.31 / 2.5 < 2.5.10 - Remote Code Execution 272 REMOTE Vex Woo
2017-03-08   Azure Data Expert Ultimate 2.2.16 - Buffer Overflow 222 REMOTE Peter Baris
2017-03-08   Struts2 S2-045 Remote Command Execution 200 REMOTE dsaw dash