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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2015-01-29   ClearSCADA - Remote Authentication Bypass Exploit 93 REMOTE Jeremy Brown
2015-01-28   D-Link DSL-2740R - Unauthenticated Remote DNS Change Exploit 139 REMOTE Todor Donev
2015-01-26   Cisco Ironport Appliances Privilege Escalation Exploit 103 REMOTE Glafkos Charalambous
2015-01-21   GetGo Download Manager HTTP Response Buffer Overflow 82 REMOTE Gabor Seljan
2015-01-21   ManageEngine Multiple Products Authenticated File Upload 78 REMOTE Pedro Ribeiro
2015-01-21   Bsplayer 2.68 - HTTP Response Buffer Overflow 88 REMOTE Fady Mohammed Osman
2015-01-21   Samsung SmartViewer BackupToAvi 3.0 - Remote Code Execution 78 REMOTE Praveen Darshanam
2015-01-13   Lexmark MarkVision Enterprise Arbitrary File Upload 188 REMOTE juan vazquez
2015-01-13   Oracle MySQL for Microsoft Windows FILE Privilege Abuse 66 REMOTE sinn3r
2015-01-08   AVM Fritz!box Auto Exploiter 138 REMOTE BaD-HaCKeR-MaN
2015-01-08   Pandora 3.1 Auth Bypass / Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerabilities 59 REMOTE Raymond Nunez
2015-01-08   Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 SP1 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability 168 REMOTE High-Tech Bridge
2015-01-07   Pirelli Router P.DG-A4001N WPA Key Reverse Engineering 76 REMOTE Eduardo Novella
2015-01-07   Pirelli ADSL2/2+ Wireless Router P.DGA4001N Information Disclosure 66 REMOTE Eduardo Novella
2015-01-07   McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator Authenticated XXE Credential Exposure Exploit 265 REMOTE Brandon Perry
2015-01-07   BulletProof FTP Client BPS Buffer Overflow 70 REMOTE Gabor Seljan
2015-01-06   ManageEngine Desktop Central Administrator Account Creation Exploit 106 REMOTE Pedro Ribeiro
2015-01-06   SkinCrafter3_vs2010 ActiveX Exploit 55 REMOTE metacom
2015-01-06   SkinCrafter3_vs2008 ActiveX Exploit 60 REMOTE metacom
2015-01-06   SkinCrafter3_vs2005 ActiveX Exploit 60 REMOTE metacom
2015-01-05   ASUSWRT - LAN Backdoor Command Execution 69 REMOTE Friedrich Postelstorfer
2015-01-04   Malicious Git And Mercurial HTTP Server For CVE-2014-9390 215 REMOTE Jon Hart
2014-12-31   Liferay Portal 7.0.x <= 7.0.2 - Pre-Auth RCE 134 REMOTE drone
2014-12-29   WhatsApp <= 2.11.476 - Remote Reboot/Crash App Android 210 REMOTE Daniel Godoy
2014-12-23   Lotus Mail Encryption Server (Protector for Mail) LFI to RCE 180 REMOTE Patrick Webster