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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2010-10-26   ARM Bind Connect UDP Port 68 102 SHELLCODE Daniel Godas-Lopez
2010-10-26   ARM Loader Port 0x1337 139 SHELLCODE Daniel Godas-Lopez
2010-10-26   ARM ifconfig eth0 and Assign Address 119 SHELLCODE Daniel Godas-Lopez
2010-11-25   Linux/ARM - add root user with password - 151 bytes 124 SHELLCODE Jonathan Salwan
2010-11-25   OSX/Intel - setuid shell x86_64 - 51 bytes 89 SHELLCODE Dustin Schultz
2010-12-09   Create a New User with UID 0 - ARM (Meta) 105 SHELLCODE Jonathan Salwan
2010-12-31   w32-speaking-shellcode 93 SHELLCODE SkyLined
2011-01-21   BSD x86 connect back Shellcode (81 bytes) 83 SHELLCODE Tosh
2011-01-21   BSD x86 portbind + fork shellcode (111 bytes) 87 SHELLCODE Tosh
2011-03-05   win32 eggsearch shellcode (33 bytes) 105 SHELLCODE oxff
2011-04-21   Linux/x86 - netcat bindshell port 6666 - 69 bytes 137 SHELLCODE Jonathan Salwan
2011-04-29   OSX/Intel reverse_tcp shell x86_64 - 131 bytes 138 SHELLCODE hammackj
2011-04-27   Linux/x86 - netcat bindshell port 6666 - 69 bytes 328 SHELLCODE