######################################################################### # # RoxTeam Italian Hackers And Security Team 2012 # # # Exploit Title: SimogeoFilemanager Upload File Vulnerability # Date: 09/02/2012 # Author: hack` # Author Email: RoxSecurityTeam[at]com[dot]hotmail.it # Category: webapps # Risk: Higt # Vendor or Software Link: https://github.com/simogeo/Filemanager # Download Link: https://github.com/simogeo/Filemanager/downloads # Tested on: Linux # Google Dork: inurl:/filemanager/userfiles/ filetype:pdf or inurl:/filemanager/index.html #Proof of Concept : [-] Vulnerable code in: /filemanager/index.html [-] Exemple: http://site.com/filemanager/index.html Step1: Search site that contains the vulnnerable file /filemanager/index.html Step2: Upload Backdoor Shell.php Step3: Move to the folder where files are stored /UserFiles/ Exemple: http://site.com/filemanager/UserFiles/Shell.php Step4: Now you can have full access to your shell ;) Exemple Site: http://www.kanu-sachsen-anhalt.de/admin/media/simogeo-Filemanager/index.html http://www.nusportcentral.co.uk/ckeditor/filemanager/index.html http://www.kosisi.lv/resursi/ckeditor/filemanager/index.html Fix Problems: Rename the folder containing the main index and rename the index to your liking