# Exploit Title: WebExplorer 2.0c Remote File Upload Vulnerability # Date: 6/7/2011 # Author: Angel Injection # home Page: http://www.club-h.co.cc , http://dev-point.com , http://alqobor.com # Email: Angel-Injection[at]hotmail[dot]com # Version: 2.0c # Category:: webapps # Google dork: intext:"WebExplorer 2.0c" # Tested on: Linux Back Track 5 # Demo site: http://muii.mine.nu/webexplorer20/index.php http://www.mr-elec.com/phplogo/filemage/index.php http://outletb.com/phplogo/filemage/index.php Good Luck >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Greetz To :1337day Team Thanx To Club Hack Team , Dev-point Team , Alqobor Team All People of Iraq