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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2012-04-13   ExoPHPDesk v1.2.1 Bypass Vulnerability 84 WEB L3b-r1'z
2012-04-13   Software DEP Classified Script 2.5 SQL Injection Vulnerability 85 WEB hordcode security
2012-04-13   wicd Local Privilege Esclation Exploit 80 WEB Anonymous
2012-04-12   LynxHD <= v1.0 beta Xss Vulnerability 45 WEB Elite Trojan
2012-04-11   Apache 2.5.9=>2.5.10(win) Xss Vulnerability 182 WEB Angel Injection
2012-04-11   DiBekasi - Presistent XSS Vulnerability 149 WEB TheCyberNuxbie
2012-04-11   FeedBack Form [feedback.cgi] <= XSS Vulnerability 84 WEB Ryuzaki Lawlet
2012-04-11   Joomla Component com_invest LFI Vulnerability 66 WEB Caddy-dz
2012-04-11   joomla component (com_photomapgallery) SQL injection Vulnerability 82 WEB xDarkSton3x
2012-04-11   joomla component (com_lqm) SQL injection Vulnerability 79 WEB xDarkSton3x
2012-04-11   joomla component (com_jomtube) SQL injection Vulnerability 94 WEB xDarkSton3x
2012-04-11   joomla component (com_bearleague) SQL injection Vulnerability 69 WEB xDarkSton3x
2012-04-11   joomla component The Estate Agent (com_estateagent) SQL injection Vulnerability 68 WEB xDarkSton3x
2012-04-11   Simple Help Desk Remote Upload Vulnerability 99 WEB L3b-r1'z
2012-04-11   Support Incident Tracker Multiple Vulnerability 85 WEB L3b-r1'z
2012-04-11   LynxHD Remote File Upload 161 WEB L3b-r1'z
2012-04-10   PHPWPOS Change Admin User And Password ( All Version ) 143 WEB L3b-r1'z
2012-04-10   wordpress thecartpress plugin local file inclusion LFI 70 WEB Tunisian spl01t3r
2012-04-10   wordpress thecartpress plugin local file inclusion LFI 65 WEB Tunisian spl01t3r
2012-04-10   wordpress annonces plugin local file inclusion LFI 58 WEB Tunisian spl01t3r
2012-04-10   wordpress zingiri web shop plugin local file disclusure LFD 52 WEB Tunisian spl01t3r
2012-04-10   singapore v0.9.9a Read Admin And Password Panel 71 WEB L3b-r1'z
2012-04-10   Omiworld CMS - SQL Injection Vulnerability 63 WEB The UnKnØwN
2012-04-10   WordPress(Optimal Internet) Xss Vulnerability 132 WEB Angel Injection
2012-04-10   Utopia News Pro 1.4.0 <= CSRF Add Admin Vulnerability 79 WEB Dr.NaNo