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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2011-11-03   Calibre E-Book Reader Local Root Exploit 70 LOCAL zx2c4
2011-11-02   Linux kernel version 2.6.37-rc1 and below serial_multiport_struct local leak exploit 108 LOCAL Todor Donev
2011-11-01   Linux 2.6.18 - 2011 vmsplice Local Root Exploit 237 LOCAL Hackeri-AL
2011-10-31   Linux Kernel 2.6.13 Local root Exploit 68 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-28   Xorg Permission Change 197 LOCAL vladz
2011-10-28   Linux 2.6.3* x86_64 2010 local root exploit 293 LOCAL CrosS
2011-10-28   GTA SA-MP server.cfg Buffer Overflow 88 LOCAL Silent_Dream
2011-10-27   Trendmicro IWSS 3.1 privilege escalation 98 LOCAL Jose Ramon Villa
2011-10-26   Reggae player (.ogg) Local BOF Exploit 96 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-25   Advanced MP3 Manager 1.x Local Buffer Overflow 108 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-25   Halloween 4 local root Exploit 81 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-25   MpcStar Player 4.x Local buffer Overflow 169 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-25   Cytel Studio 9.0 (CY3 File) Stack Buffer Overflow 155 LOCAL James Fitts
2011-10-19   WM Downloader (.pls) File Win7 Buffer Overflow Exploit 132 LOCAL Tn-Sploiter
2011-10-18   Real Networks Netzip Classic 7.5.1 86 File Parsing Buffer Overflow 105 LOCAL TecR0c
2011-10-17   mpegable Player Build 3 Local Buffer Overflow Exploit 77 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-17   RadLight Pro 3.0(.mp3) Buffer Overflow Exploit 93 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-13   FreeBSD 8.0 Local Root Exploit 97 LOCAL Caddy-Dz
2011-10-12   TugZip 3.5 Zip File Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability 110 LOCAL Lincoln
2011-10-10   Linux pkexec and polkitd 0.96 race condition privilege escalation 116 LOCAL Ev1lut10n
2011-10-10   Linux Kernel 2.6.9-34 Local root Exploit 163 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-09   pkexec Race Condition Privilege Escalation Exploit 250 LOCAL xi4oyu
2011-10-08   Linux Kernel 2.6.22 Local root Exploit 310 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-08   Linux Kernel el5 Local root Exploit 160 LOCAL CrosS
2011-10-08   Linux kernel-2.6.18-6 x86 Local Root Exploit 164 LOCAL Angel Injection