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Date D   Description Plat. Author
2011-10-08   Linux Kernel 2.6.17 x86|i386 Local root Exploit 118 LOCAL CrosS
2011-10-08   Linux Kernel 2.6.25 2009 Local Root Exploit 114 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-08   AdvancedDvdPlayer Local Exploit 172 LOCAL GoTr00t
2011-10-08   Destiny Media Player Local SEH overflow 92 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-08   Linux kernel 2.6.182 Local Root Exploit 136 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-10-08   kernel-2.6.30 2010 Local Root Exploit 106 LOCAL Th3 L0rd Dilaw
2011-10-08   BlazeVideo HDTV Player 6.6 Professional Universal DEP+ASLR Bypass 155 LOCAL modpr0be
2011-10-08   PolicyKit Pwnage: linux local privilege escalation on polkit-1 <= 0.101 117 LOCAL zx2c4
2011-09-29   Norman Security Suite 8 (nprosec.sys) Local Privilege Escalation 0day 76 LOCAL Xst3nZ
2011-09-28   SafeKeyNet FTP Server Remote BOF Exploit (SEH) 97 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-28   Cliprex Lite Player(.ASF) Local Buffer Overflow 112 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-27   GTA SA-MP server.cfg Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerability 108 LOCAL Silent_Dream
2011-09-27   Muse Music All-In-One .pls File Buffer Overflow (DEP Bypass) 61 LOCAL C4SS!0 G0M3S
2011-09-26   Tuber Player (.XM) Local Buffer Overflow 97 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-26   Dziobas Rar Player Local Buffer Overflow 104 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-26   aTunes Player Local Buffer Overflow 87 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-26   SEasy Karaoke Player buffer overflow EIP Overwrite 77 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-26   eSignal and eSignal Pro <= 10.6.2425.1208 File Parsing Buffer Overflow in QUO 84 LOCAL TecR0c
2011-09-26   Cool Music Editor Local Stack Overflow 101 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-26   MKV TO AVI Converter Local Buffer Overflow(SEH) 145 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-21   AVCon DEP Bypass 64 LOCAL Blake
2011-09-19   AMADIS Video Converter SEH Buffer Overflow Exploit 165 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-19   3GP Video Converter Local Buffer Overflow 100 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-19   Rever Audio Converter(avi To wav)Stack BOF Exploit 103 LOCAL Angel Injection
2011-09-19   ALL IN 1 MOBILE VIDEO Denial of Service POC 88 LOCAL Angel Injection